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P. 30

I Belong Here, Yes I Do,

                                No Questions Asked!

                            made  Aliyah right after my   You will add these documents to ‘The
                        year in seminary, with about   Document File’, a bulky binder that
                        twenty  Hebrew  words  in   will be so crammed with papers you
                   I my vocabulary. Sure, I knew    will need to purchase an extra suitcase
                                  it would be difficult, but I   for it. At some point, someone will
                   could do hard things. I graduated high   recommend you join Secret Jerusalem
                   school! I wouldn’t even have to drain   on Facebook, a group so obscure that
                   the  swamps.  How  hard  could  this   there are over 96,000 members. This
                   immigrating thing be?            gives you the chance to be a part of
                                                    something bigger than yourself, a
                   Three years and many crying sessions   forum where thousands of people can
                   later, the answer to that question is:   ask the same questions over and over
                   very. Turns out, Aliyah is incredibly   and get ignored (except for random
                   stressful and has been so since the days   questions about bonsai trees or yoga
                   when David Ben-Gurion tore apart his   retreats; somehow, these regularly get
                   house looking for his children’s long-  answered).
                   form unabridged birth certificates. I
                   am certainly in no position to offer   On your fateful Aliyah day, you will   Tehilla's birthday party in a bomb shelter.
                   advice on this process; I don’t even   come prepared to the airport with   handed your teudat zehut, given a free
                   own a pair of Blundstones! But if I had   your nicest blue and white outfit. If   taxi ride, and left to integrate. Yuri will
                   to epitomize the Aliyah experience in   you have children or a spouse, you will   vanish into the sunset, likely never
                   one sentence, it would be this: Aliyah is   make sure that all of your blue and   to be seen again, and all attempts
                   a sequence of questions and answers.  white outfits are coordinated. After   to email him will rebound back into
                                                    all, these pictures are being posted on
                   The questions begin long before you   the Nefesh b’Nefesh Facebook page!   cyberspace.
                   step foot on the plane, when the dream   You clutch that folder of documents   At some point soon afterwards, you
                   of Aliyah is still a “five-year plan.” In the   which is stuffed to bursting with your   will have a sinking feeling, somewhere
                   months and years leading up to your   entire existence – from your great   in your stomach, that you have made
                   Aliyah, you will make it your mission   grandparents’
                   to educate yourself on every aspect   ketubah  to  your
                   of the Middle East. You will forge a   grocery  store
                   bond with your Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah   receipts  (you
                   advisor, an eternally patient individual   might need those!)
                   named Keren or Yuri, to a degree that   – and guard it more
                   you will never experience with anyone   carefully than your
                   else. You will hound Keren and Yuri   offspring. Yuri will
                   with questions at all hours of the   be on standby.
                   night. “What the heck is an apostille?   Your mother will
                   Does being Israeli mean I have to buy   tearfully send you
                   a pair of Shoresh sandals? Should I   off with Kirkland’s
                   move to Beit Shemesh? Will they let   finest and ten
                   me make Aliyah if I don’t like Bamba?”   packs of Costco
                   You will need documents you didn’t   barbeque  sauce.
                   realize existed (I moved here three   But nothing can
                   years ago, and I still think an apostille   prepare you for
                   is a man named Matthew or Paul).   when you are

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