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Sarah Glaser, another active Point Person currently
representing 25 singles, emphasized that the reach of POC
far exceeds that of any matchmaker working alone. “We
have matchmakers from all over Israel and the States, so
it gives the single so many options that they would not
have known if they didn’t use our platform. What if your
husband is waiting for you in Haifa, but you had no idea,
and didn’t have the resources to find him? That’s why we
are here to help.”
Board member Esther Hoffman elaborated on what makes
POC exceptional. “A lot goes on every day on POC Facebook.
Point People post singles and other Point People respond
with suggestions. You can potentially have several hundred
Point People looking at a particular post, racking their
brains to come up with a really good idea. Our goal is to
make sure that the Point People who represent them have
talked over the idea and have agreed to share information
before either of the prospective partners is approached.
“I know what being an older single is like. I started dating
at age 18 and got married at 28, so I dated quite a bit. I’ll
never forget the frustration of feeling out of place, the
embarrassment and loneliness, and the uncertainty
about what the future has in store for me. I’ve also had
the privilege of making several matches for others. Seeing Aviva Lloyd and Michael Avramenko, a Points of Contact couple.
the fruits of your labor as you watch the two people you
put together build a home is so satisfying and rewarding.” a personal touch to matchmaking and reminds them that
there are other people who can look out for their best
Hoffman wants people to know that “POC is looking for
committed individuals to join our network. Becoming interests, too. Being single can be lonely. We help singles
a dedicated Point Person is not just about advocating maneuver through this exhausting period.”
for their brother-in-law’s sister or friend’s son but also Sha-ked shared that POC has “Point People in virtually
‘adopting’ singles who don’t have POC representation. That every community, city, university and yishuv [settlement]
means really getting to know the single and checking out where Anglos reside within Israel. We address the issue
references.” of singles feeling jaded by knowing everyone in their
respective communities. We post singles from within our
Board member Mordy Derovan is one of the group’s
very few singles. “In a world where we find ourselves respective communities or individuals we know well from
increasingly dependent on our phones and the internet, Israel and abroad. We grow via word of mouth. My motto
POC provides singles with a personal connection on is that anyone with a passion and a sensitivity toward
their journey to finding their soulmates. As is now fairly singles can join in on this effort.” The only exception is
common, especially during the coronavirus era, singles use professional matchmakers, who are not allowed to join
a multitude of dating apps and services like Saw You At POC.
Sinai to connect with potential matches. POC gives singles “I view the angst of singles searching for their bashert and
our attempts to address this as one of the most important
and vital jobs we can perform. It is no less a job of nation-
building than promoting Aliyah [immigration to Israel].
My husband always teases that POC is the silver lining to
his cancer diagnosis. Baruch Hashem, he is doing well and
POC is thriving,” Sha-ked concluded.
Originally published by the Jerusalem Post; modified and
reprinted with permission. To get in touch with the POC team,
please message
Benji and Becca Nachshen, a Points of Contact couple.
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