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       Yeshiva University’s Torat Tziyon Program

      Bikkurim and Ma’aser, Torah, Madda and Eretz Yisrael                                Rabbanit       Stephanie

 NEW! on YU’s    (PHOTO: HOWIE MISCHEL)                                                   Shani Taragin  Strauss

 Jerusalem Campus

 TORAT   Omention of Hashem bringing   commitment to Hashem is manifest   women will study in the newly remod-
           n Seder night, we told the story
           of our transition from slav-
                                                                        eled beit midrash of Ulpanat Chorev
                                       through both the Torah and the Land,
                                       ideally expressed through living a life
           ery to freedom – but made no
                                                                        in Bayit Vegan, directed by Rabbanit
                                       of mitzvah observance in Eretz Yisrael.
                                                                        Shani Taragin. Guided by YU academic
 TZIYON  us to the “Promised Land.” Though   Yeshiva University, founded to inte-  deans Dr. Noam Wasserman, Dr. Karen
      the  mikra bikkurim, beginning with
                                                                        Bacon, Professor Shoshana Schechter,
                                       grate Torah and academic scholarship,
      arami oved avi, is used as a frame for
                                                                        Rabbis Menachem Penner and Yosef
                                       is currently creating new opportunities
      retelling the story of the Exodus, the
                                                                        Kalinsky, students will have the sup-
                                       to integrate our religious and national
      haggadah conspicuously omits the last
      two verses: “And He has brought us to   identities by building a comprehensive   port they need to advance both reli-
                                                                        giously and academically. YU is also
                                       religious college environment at their
 Graduate Programs in Israel  this place and has given us this Land,   campus in Yerushalayim. Through its   working closely with Nefesh B’Nefesh
      a Land flowing with milk and honey.
      Wherefore I now bring the first fruits   S. Daniel Abraham partnership with   to prepare students for Aliyah by pro-
                                                                        viding internship and networking
      of the soil which You, Hashem have   yeshivot and midrashot in Israel, Yeshiva   opportunities.
                                       University has long encouraged stu-
      given me.” Though our historical-re-
      ligious journey begins on Pesach, our   dents to study Torah in Israel. While   The uniqueness of Torat Tziyon will
      national destiny is only realized on   growing as Jews, strengthening their   be most apparent in its atmosphere
                                       Torah learning skills and connecting
      Shavuot, when we celebrate the final                              and programming. Rabbi Josh and
      fulfillment of the brit bein ha-betarim   to national-religious values, students   Rabbanit Margot Botwinick, who cur-
                                       earn up to a full year of college credit
      promised to Avraham Avinu. The “bik-  toward their undergraduate degree   rently serve as the Mizrachi OU-JLIC
 THE FULL YU EXPERIENCE IN ISRAEL    kurim declaration” recited in totality   at Yeshiva University. Many of these   campus couple at Reichman Univer-
      on Shavuot is an expression of our
                                                                        sity (formerly IDC Herzliya), will be
      gratitude for Eretz Yisrael.     students wish to continue learning in   coordinating student life activities
 WHILE COMPLETING AN ONLINE GRADUATE DEGREE  Moshe Rabbeinu concludes his mitzvah   Israel while pursuing their academic   including Shabbatonim, tiyulim, chessed
                                       degrees. Led by its President, Rabbi Dr.
      speech in Sefer Devarim with the mitz-  Ari Berman, YU is answering this need   opportunities, weekly  shiurim, and
 Launching in Fall 2022!     Beautiful Jerusalem Campus  vot of mikra bikkurim and vidui ma’aser,   by launching its new Torat Tziyon pro-  monthly alumni events open to the
                                                                        entire Anglo-speaking community
                                       gram in Israel for this upcoming Fall
      for they both include a declaration in
 Advance your Torah studies and pursue a top-notch graduate program.      Exciting Campus Life  which we thank Hashem for giving us   semester.  in Israel. Both YU graduates, Margot
 Torat Tziyon is designed to build and refine your core leadership and market-    Vibrant Batei Midrash  the Land. Mikra bikkurim focuses on the   Torat Tziyon will allow students to   and Josh are known for their dynamic
 ready skills, while working closely with our faculty, staff, and alumni. Study     Separate Torah Studies for Men and Women  national-historic identity we acquire   connect with educational, communal   shiurim and events, and are excited to
      in the Land of Israel, while vidui ma’aser
                                                                        help build the future of Am Yisrael in
 in our vibrant Torah program while taking online asynchronous classes     Top-Tier Rebbeim and Torah Scholars  proclaims our commitment to observe   and entrepreneurial thought leaders   Eretz Yisrael. May Torat Tziyon be a ful-
 throughout the week.    Meet with Successful Entrepreneurs  the mitzvot of the Land, underscoring   in Israel’s booming economic and cul-  fillment of the synthesis of Moshe Rab-
                                       tural landscape, while delving into the
   Speak with Thought Leaders  our religious identity. These are the   rich heritage of the country.  beinu – of Torah u’Madda, the national
      primary themes of Moshe’s speech to                               and the religious – here in the land of
 Online Programs Offered:    Limited Housing Available  Am Yisrael: reinforcing our national   The program follows YU’s characteris-  milk and honey, the land of our Jewish
 M.S. in Cybersecurity  M.S. in Jewish Education   and religious identities as fulfillments   tic daily schedule of combined Torah
 The Mitzner M.S. in Real Estate  M.S. in Jewish Curriculum Development  20 SELECT STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE    of the brit bein ha-betarim and brit milah.   studies and academic classes. Students   destiny!
 Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)  M.A. in Jewish Philosophy   A SCHOLARSHIP OF 50% OFF OF    All too often, we prioritize one aspect   will continue their religious studies   Rabbanit Shani Taragin  is Educational
 M.S. in Accounting   THEIR PREFERRED DEGREE                            Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
      over the other – at times neglecting   in the mornings and evenings while
      our religious responsibilities in favor   attending live academic classes and   Mizrachi-TVA Lapidot Educators’ Program.
 For more information visit  of national fervor and culture, or   online masters’ degrees taught by   Mrs. Stephanie Strauss is the Executive
                                       renowned professors and teachers on
      forgetting about national identity
                                                                        Director of Yeshiva University in Israel and
      and responsibility as we immerse   the YU-Gruss campus. The men will   Coordinator of the Torat Tziyon program. For
      ourselves in halachic detail. Moshe’s   learn in the Gruss Beit Midrash under   more information, contact Mrs. Stephanie
      speech reminds us that our covenantal   the guidance of YU rebbeim while the   Strauss at
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