Page 36 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 36
Writing the Next Chapter of Jewish History:
Four Stories of Australian Youth Aliyah
Rabbi James
ustralia – one of the furthest countries in the world Rebecca Rosengarten, who made Aliyah in 2014 at age 19, was
from Israel on the map, yet one of the closest by the also inspired by the sacrifices of young Israelis. “I decided to
measurements of the heart. Judged by the percentage move to Israel after Operation Protective Edge, during which
Aof Jews making Aliyah, the Australian community is I was a participant in a program in Israel. While I had visited
nearly unparalleled. Israel many times before, I was never moved to make Aliyah;
I was satisfied with supporting Israel from afar. But then I
Mount Scopus Memorial College, the largest Jewish day
school in Melbourne, attracts students from across the saw Israelis my age put their lives on the line to protect the
religious spectrum who are united by their love for Israel. country we all love, the country we all call home.
A remarkable number of students make Aliyah after finishing “During the war I developed a deeper and more personal
school, with the added challenge of leaving family behind. I connection to Israel. While Jews play an important role in
spoke to four young olim from Mount Scopus to learn about the Diaspora, I decided it was my duty to move to Israel and
their motivations for Aliyah and hear about their experiences. do my part to give back. I still remember the overwhelming
feelings of devotion and passion that guided my decisions.
For Abbie Debinski, who made Aliyah in 2014 at age 20, the
spark was lit on a school program in Year 10. “We spent One thought that constantly ran through my mind: ‘when I
two months on a kibbutz up north studying and living with grow old, I want to reflect on my life and say with confidence
Israelis, after which I spent another two months with a that I lived my life guided by my strongest values’. And while
family on Yishuv Alon. By the end, I knew I wanted to live life in Israel is a constant balagan, it is filled with meaning
in Israel. After finishing school I returned to Israel, studied and fulfillment that is unparalleled.”
at a midrasha and a mechinah, volunteered at Magen David
Adom, lived on a kibbutz and made countless friends along the
way. I felt compelled, morally, to serve in the IDF. I saw it as
unjust to continue with my life’s plan when our brothers and
sisters were sacrificing years of their life for our country.”
Abbie and Josh Debinski and their daughter Naya. Rebecca Rosengarten
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