Page 49 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 49

Remembering the  Meron Tragedy

                  “Let us Join Together

                         for Happy Times”                                                                Rahav-Meir

                     i Sivan, my name is Yakir.
                     I  run a photography
                     business together with
        “Hmy partner Meor. After
        the Meron tragedy, we felt that we had
        to do something. And so we went, in our
        jeans and t-shirts, to visit the Engelard
        family, a Chassidic family that lost two
        sons in the tragedy, their 14-year-old son
        Moshe, and their 9-year-old son Yehoshua.
        We met the father, Rabbi Yitzchak, who
        was very moved that we came, and said
        that we had given him strength. When
        we left, he said that “Am Yisrael should not
        get together only in times of tragedy, but
        also for s’machot (happy occasions).” These
        beautiful words stayed with me.
        This week, months after that visit, I
        received a surprising message. The
        Engelard family, b’sha’ah tovah, had a baby
        boy. Rabbi Yitzchak contacted me and
        invited me to come and to be with them
        for happy occasions too, to join them for
        the brit of their son, who brought new life   My dear Yakir and Meor,
        and comfort to the family. The last time   Seven months ago we met under very difficult and painful
        we met, they were sitting on mourners’
        chairs. This time we met and hugged, we   circumstances. I was moved then by the beauty of Am Yisrael,
        danced and sang together. And may his   and I realized then that no power in the world can separate
        name be called among Israel: Yosef Naftali.  brothers.
        As we left I said to Rabbi Yitzchak that   Precisely then, amidst the pain and darkness, the special
        now it is my turn to invite him to s’machot,   connection between us was revealed, when you transcended
        and he agreed. I am attaching a picture   yourselves, put aside all of your other considerations and
        taken at the brit, as well as the invitation   made the effort to come and comfort us and to join in our
        to the brit, which for me was not only a brit   sorrow, all because of your sense of responsibility and love
        milah, but also a reminder of the brit, the
        covenant, between us.”                 of Israel.
        Sivan Rahav-Meir is a media personality and   We promised at that moment to continue this mutual love
        lecturer. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband,   also, and especially, in times of joy.
        Yedidya, and their five children, and serves as
        World Mizrachi’s Scholar-in-Residence. She is   Thank G-d, I am happy to tell you that we had a baby boy,
        a primetime anchor on Channel 2 News, has   and I am honored to invite you to the brit.          A member of
        a column in Israel’s largest newspaper, Yediot   Yitzchak Engelard                               the Mizrachi
        Acharonot, and has a weekly radio show on Galei                                                  Speakers Bureau
        Tzahal (Army Radio).

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