Page 52 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 52

Hippocratic Israel

                               Magnifies Kevod

    David M.
                                    Shamayim in a

                           Hypocritical World

                   T                                in Holon also treats many Palestinian   “Let the Palestinians go for treatment
                            he UN and global “human
                           rights” NGOs continue
                                                                                     to their Arab brethren in Egypt or
                                                    patients, as well as children with heart
                           to slander Israel with
                                                    defects from across the Middle East,
                                                                                     Jordan,” they say. But of course, the
                           ugly charges of “ethnic
                   cleansing,” “apartheid,” and sundry   Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.  Palestinians cannot do so – because
                                                                                     the Egyptians and Jordanians don’t
                                                    Palestinians receive treatment in
                   fictitious atrocities against the   Israel even though the Palestinian   regularly let Palestinians in, and the
                   Palestinians.                    Authority takes only very partial,   treatment in Arab countries is inferior
                   Meanwhile, in the real world, this is   occasional financial responsibility   to Israeli medical care.
                   what is happening: Israeli doctors   for them and the patients themselves   In any case, Israeli hospitals bravely
                   continue to treat thousands of Arabs   can’t afford to pay. The Peres Center   and honorably persist in their open-
                   in Israeli hospitals and conduct world-  for Peace and the hospitals themselves   door approach to humanitarian
                   class humanitarian medical work   often end up covering or absorbing the   treatment. Of course, you wouldn’t
                   around the world. It is a sign of the   costs.                    know about this from international
                   hostile  times  that  Israel  gets  little   Palestinian leaders and their family   media, NGOs, or UN reports.
                   international credit for its manifold   members, including Hamas chieftains,   Israeli medical humanitarianism
                   humanitarian medical activities, in   get the best medical care in Israel   extends much  further  afield  too.
                   Israel or abroad.                even  though  they  constantly  issue   Israeli doctors are very active and
                   Israeli hospitals regularly take in   bloodcurdling libels about Israeli   experienced in delivering medical
                   patients  from  countries  across  the   “apartheid,” while plotting Israel’s   assistance beyond Israel’s boundaries.
                   Middle East, including Arab countries   demise.                   Remember the outstanding IDF
                   that have no diplomatic relations   For example, in 2020 the doctors at   medical mission in Haiti after the
                   with Israel, and from the Palestinian-  Hadassah did everything possible to   January 2010 earthquake in that
                   controlled areas. For example, no less   save the life of Palestinian official Saeb   country? For years after that, Israel
                   than one-quarter of the patients in   Erekat, even though he was the master   orthopedic rehabilitation physicians
                   the Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s   planner of the Palestinian Authority’s   and  physiotherapists  ran  a  full-
                   Hospital at the Sheba Medical Center   campaign to isolate and boycott Israel.   scale “Haitian-Israeli Rehabilitation
                   at Tel Hashomer are Palestinian kids   (Yes, I too wonder whether this was   Center” at the University Hospital in
                   from Gaza with cancer or congenital   right and necessary.)       Port-au-Prince.
                   heart ailments.
                                                    The altruism of the Israeli medical   Such Israeli humanitarian missions
                   Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem   system is even more remarkable   abound. Since it opened in mid-March,
        A member of
        the Mizrachi   plays a similar role for Palestinians   because treating Israeli and   more than 2,500 refugees have been
     Speakers Bureau  from Judea and Samaria. Save a Child’s   Palestinians side-by-side is a tense   treated in a rapidly established Israeli  Heart at the Sylvan Adams Children’s   and delicate balancing act about   field hospital on the Ukrainian-Polish
          speakers  Hospital at the Wolfson Medical Center   which many Israelis have misgivings.   border. In addition, Israeli burns

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