Page 57 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 57

When you first move to a new   happens.  80%  means  that
      country, all you have to do is   you  arrive  at  the  doctor’s
      try to speak the language and   appointment at the right place
      people fall all over themselves   and time, but without the
      to help you and tell you that   necessary referral. It means
      you could not be more adorable   that instead of asking for a
      with your  reishes that don’t   slice of pizza ( ׁש ָּ ל ֻ ׁש ְמ), you order
      roll, and your use of ancient   a sexy piece of pizza (ךי ִת ָח)
      words that have not been   and both your son and the
      spoken since people named   adolescent behind the counter
      their children Jehosephat. So   spontaneously combust. It
      you work, and you try, and you   means that every time your
      make mistakes, and you laugh,   phone rings with an unknown
      and you cry, and you learn.   number, you brace yourself
      But a few years in, you hit a   for the indignities that surely
      wall, and you don’t improve   await you on the other end.
      as steadily as before, and even   80%  is  not  enough  to  be
      your husband and children   confident at office parties.
      think that you could at least   It is not enough to convince
      try to be a bit more adorable   your coworkers that you are a
      as they correct your texts and   beast at English scattergories
      roll their reishes and their eyes   and that you have a sparkling
      at your elementary mistakes.
                                 personality. But as it turns out,
      In Hebrew, in in-person    it is enough to raise children
      conversations I operate at   who, upon hearing this story,
      about 80%. I understand    immediately point out that
      approximately 4/5 of the   ה ָנ ָב ְל is a Hebrew word for moon
      conversation and I can often   which starts with lamed. And
      figure out the rest through   80% is most certainly enough
      context and, in hardware   to throw those smug children
      store scenarios, elaborate   into the lava and beat them
      pantomime. (If any of my   with their own socks.
      coworkers are reading this,
      you are misunderstanding me.
      What I said was, I understand
      everything that goes on all the
      time, and you did not make a
      galactic mistake by hiring me.)
      80% is ok. You can get by with   Kally Rubin Kislowicz made Aliyah
      80%. But that remaining 20%   from Cleveland, Ohio, to Efrat in
      is where all the humiliation   2016.
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