Page 62 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 62

Hallel’s Top Yom HaAtzmaut Challenges:
          @  Read an English book with an Israeli accent.
            BONUS CHALLENGE: translate as much of the book as you can into Hebrew!
          @  Draw a map of Israel with sidewalk chalk. Instead of traditional
            hopscotch  numbers,  label  the  regions  of  Israel:  Galil,  Golan
            Heights,  Jezreel  Valley,  Shomron  (Samaria),  Yehuda  (Judea),  Afula,
            Coastal Plain, Arava, and the Negev Desert. Hopscotch your way
            across Israel!
          @  Go on a photo hunt! Photograph 74 different blue and/or white objects.
          @  Look  up  which  Israeli  Air  Force  planes  and  helicopters  will
            be participating in the annual “Fly Over” in Israel. Design paper
            airplanes/helicopters to match, then launch your own “Fly Over” at
            a local playground.
          @  Play freeze dance to Israeli folk songs.

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