Page 64 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 64
Come and enjoy your Special offer -
Golden Years in the Choose your
City of Gold! own Gift!*
Are you looking for a warm and welcoming English-
speaking retirement community in the heart of Jerusalem?
Beit Tovei Ha’ir offers a superb quality of life for religious seniors,
with Mehadrin food and facilities, daily shiurim, social events,
and in-house medical care.
Choice of Delicious 70% English Beit Swimming Rich Medical
private Mehadrin speakers Midrash & pool, gym cultural care &
apartments meals Shiurim and spa program security
*Choose your own Gift:
Either an apartment furnished with the assistance of an interior designer
* Or * free lunches for half a year.
For more information please call
Binyamin Margo 3472363079 |
Tovei Ha'ir - Jerusalem's Premier Retirement Community
36 Malchei Yisrael St., Jerusalem