Page 61 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 61


                                         W                             BY YONI GLATT
                                                                        AUTHOR OF KOSHER CROSSWORDS

       1   2  3      4   5  6  7   8      9  10  11  12  13   37. This land is our land!  19. “___ the land of the free…”
                                                              39. Apple TV item          21. Native Arizonan
       14            15                   16                  42. These words are in them  24. Subject for Einstein
       17            18               19                      45. Emma Lazarus has one on the   25. ___ ledodi
                                                                 Statue of Liberty       26. Efes
       20         21               22                         46. Words of confidence    27. Jose Reyes used to get a lot of
                                                              47. Novelist Morrison
       23                      24                25  26  27                                  them: Abbr.
                                                              49. This land was their land   29. “Take this!”
       28                29  30                  31              (1517–1917)             30. Neighbor of Braz.
                                                              53. Shipping weights
           32        33               34  35  36                                         33. One who fought in ’67
                                                              54. Bubkes                 34. Distinctive flair
                  37               38                         55. The Green Line, supposedly  35. First name in (Jewish) comedy
                                                              57. This land was their land (332–164
       39  40  41              42                43  44                                  36. Academic Etzioni
                                                                 BCE)                    38. Baruch follower
       45                   46               47         48    61. It’s a light name      39. Aussie hopper, for short
                                                              62. Be of use to
       49         50  51  52              53                                             40. “Spring ahead” time in D.C.
                                                              63. Elicit                 41. One who plays for Steve Cohen
                  54               55  56                     64. Unwelcomed Sukkah guest  43. Spanish birthplace of the
                                                              65. Like some Lisa Kudrow characters
       57  58  59              60                61           66. Morocco’s capital          Rambam
                                                              67. B’nai B’rith rights org.  44. Showed scorn
       62                   63                   64                                      46. Comparatively cockamamie
       65                   66                   67           Down                       48. This land (was and) is their land
                                                              1. This land was their land    (1967–)
                                                                 (70–313 CE)             50. “___ Hashem” (Uncle Moishy hit)
      Across                      20. Sans sense              2. Makes like Michelangelo  51. With rage
      1. Org. for those with semichah  22. Let off steam      3. 2016 sci-fi hit         52. Big deal
                                                                                         53. Flat den fixture
      4. Olam follower            23. Father of awful King Jeroboam  4. Bad thing to kick  55. Paint crudely
      9. Period                   24. This land was their land   5. Former Fed chairman Greenspan  56. Ancient Andean
                                                              6. Treif title character in a kid’s movie
      14. Torah or Somayach          (539–332 BCE)            7. “___ luck?”             57. Like Saul, in his final days
      15. Tablet Magazine founder   28. Croat, e.g.           8. Bisects                 58. Beit ___ Chai (in 37-Across)
         Newhouse                 29. Sounds of confusion     9. Sean and William        59. One brought into Israel to deal
      16. Lets up                 31. Twizzler bite           10. Port-au-Prince’s land      with pests
      17. Fallen space station    32. It essentially replaces prison in   11. Palindromic Jewish king  60. ___ Crown Jewish Academy
      18. This land was their land   Jewish law               12. Abbr. for Rubio            (Illinois)
         (586–539 BCE)            34. Letters without stamps  13. Start and end of Shabbat?

                                                               Solutions to the Pesach   1 B  2 A  3 G  4  C  5  A  6  N  7  I  8  F  9  A  10 T  11 C  12 A  13 T
                                                               edition puzzle     14 E M O  15 A  D  A  R  16 A  D W A  R  E
                                                                                  17    18           19
                                                                                  A  N  D  A  B  O  V  E  T  A  A  N  I  T
                                                                                  20         21    22   23
                                                                                  R  E  S  T  P  A  N  T  R  I  T  Z
                                                                                  24         25      26         27
                                                                                   I  S  E  E  T  H  E  R  A  I  N  B  O W
                                                                                  28      29       30       31
                                                                                  S  I  N  T  S  O  O  B  I  U  N  A
                                                                                  32    33       34       35
                                                                                  H  A  D  N O    D  P  I  I  Y  A  R
                                                                                        36   37  38     39
                                                                                         H  E  A  D  H  E  E  L  S
                                                                                  40  41  42  43        44  45  46  47
                                                                                  Y  A  E  L  U  E  S   A  R  D O R
                                                                                  48      49       50  51   52
                                                                                  A M  I   S  R  I  D  E W   E  V  E
                                                                                  53    54       55       56
                                                                                  M  57 I  N  D M A  58 T  T  E  R  59 A  L  E  S
        Chassidut & Zionism                                                       60 S  C H O U A  L I  61 D  Y O N A  A S  63 S  N  V I  R O
                                                                                  E  A  R  N  E  R  65 O  L  E  S  66 E  A  T
                                                                                  67             68         69
                    IN THE NEXT EDITION OF HAMIZRACHI                             W  I  N  T  R  Y  L  I  S  A  R  T  S
                                                                                                                   |  61
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64