Page 63 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 63
Shammai’s Top Yom HaAtzmaut Challenges:
@ Bake a birthday cake for the State of Israel’s 74th birthday.
@ Make your own Madlibs/Funny Fill-In by leaving key words out of a
song about Israel (for example, “תַחַר ֹ ו ּ פ ם ַ ג ְ ו ה ָ פ ָ י י ִּ לֶ ׁ ש לֵאָרְ ׂ ש ִ י ץֶרֶא”). Challenge
a family member to complete your Madlibs and then sing the silly
version together.
@ Enjoy some homemade shoko b’sakit (chocolate milk in a bag). Fill a
resealable bag with chocolate milk. Snip off a corner of the bag
and enjoy a refreshing treat.
@ Build the number 74 out of 74 of something (I like to use my Legos).
@ BONUS CHALLENGE: how long into the day can you keep your shirt
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