Page 53 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 53

experts were the first to arrive in   announced a boycott of all assistance   The State of Israel’s commitment
      Romania to treat babies in critical   from or through Israel, for any   to being a force for progress and
      condition after a horrible fire in a   budgetary, humanitarian, or other   brotherhood in the world is built on
      Bucharest hospital; the first to arrive in   need. It even rejected receipt of two   this moral foundation.
      the Congo after a massive fuel tanker   planes-full of Coronavirus aid from the   But  again,  you  wouldn’t  know  any
      explosion; among the first to send aid   UAE because the planes delivering the   of this from international media or
      to Japan and to Kashmir after a series   cargo landed at Ben-Gurion Airport.  UN reports. Antisemitism, double
      of earthquakes; the first to send (over   Instead,  PA  spokesmen  spread   standards, distortive “woke” ideology,
      150 tons of) aid to Indonesia, Sri Lanka,   the canard that Israeli troops at   cancel culture, crass politics, and
      and the Philippines after a series of   checkpoints purposefully infected
      tsunamis; and much more.                                         more, get in the way.
                                       Palestinians with Corona and that
      In fact, Israeli doctors have provided   Israelis spit deathly Corona droplets   Hippocratic Israel gets no credit. The
      international  relief  and  medical   on Palestinian car door handles and   hypocritical world knows only how to
      training in  Armenia,  Azerbaijan,   windshields, recalling the classic   criticize and demonize Israel. What a
      Brazil, Cambodia, China, Georgia,   antisemitic trope about Jews poisoning   shame. But at least Jews should know
      Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast,   the wells in Europe. Nevertheless,   and appreciate Israel’s humanity. On
      Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Mauritania,   Israel has tried to help the PA. And on   Yom HaAtzmaut, let us appreciate the
      Mongolia, Myanmar, Peru, Romania,   the sly, the PA has allowed its doctors   kevod shamayim and kiddush Hashem
      Russia, Rwanda, Slovenia, Sri Lanka,   to receive training at Israeli hospitals   (the glorification of G-d’s name in the
      Turkey, Uzbekistan and, of course,   about best practices for treating   world) that has been wrought by the
      Ukraine – to name just a few countries.  Corona patients.        State of Israel.
      Breakthrough Israeli technologies   Israel’s medical humanitarian   David M. Weinberg was a public affairs and
      also play a humanitarian role.   activities stem from an abiding   development executive at the Sheba Medical
      Sheba/Safra Children’s Hospital now   concern for healing and compassion   Center and Hadassah Medical Center. He is
      offers remote home-monitoring of   that is ingrained in Jewish tradition.   a senior fellow at The Kohelet Forum and
      pediatric cardiac patients in medically   As the Rabbis taught (Yevamot 79a):   Habithonistim: Israel’s Defense and Security
      underserved communities such as   Am Yisrael is marked by three qualities.   Forum. His op-ed articles appear weekly in
      Gaza, Iraq, Kurdistan, and Cyprus.   They are merciful, altruistic, and     The Jerusalem Post and Israel Hayom, and are
      An Israeli company called Illumigyn   humble – hopelessly so, I would add.     archived at
      has  distributed 20,000 gynescope
      units across Africa – a first-of-its-kind
      fully remote gynecological imaging
      platform – to improve early diagnosis
      and detection rates of cervical cancer.
      Israel has actively assisted many
      countries in confronting the
      continuing COVID crisis, from
      Argentina and Uruguay, to
      Eswatini (Swaziland) and
      India. An Israeli NGO sent
      3,800 oxygen concentrators
      to rural clinics, hospitals
      and health centers in India
      overwhelmed  by  Corona.
      The Israeli government flew
      tons of oxygen generators,
      respirators, and medications
      to India, too.  Dozens  of
      countries have sent senior
      health officials to study
      Israel’s proficient handling
      of the Coronavirus crisis.
      And yes, during the first
      months of the pandemic
      Israel did everything in its
      power and its purse to assist
      the Palestinian Authority
      in fighting coronavirus
      too. But in mid-2020 the PA

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