Page 18 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 2021 - USA
P. 18

1945                                                                  1947
          The foundation stone is laid for Mizrachi's central office in                 Mizrachi opens its first office in Paris
          Jerusalem, Beit Meir, named after Rabbi Meir Bar-llan; both
         Ashkenazic and Sephardic Chief Rabbis attend the ceremony

                          Rabbi Maiman

                                                FOUNDING OF THE STATE

                   David Ben-Gurion signs the Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948. Sitting beside him: Rabbi Yehuda Leib Maimon. (PHOTO: HANS PINN. GPO)
                   H        erzl, Ben-Gurion, Weizmann   In 1913, he moved to Palestine to lead   the situation. The committee was pre-

                            - these are the names most
                                                                                      role in determining whether the United
                                                     Hebraicized his last name to Maimon
                            famously associated with   Mizrachi  in Eretz Yisrael,  where he   paring a report that would play a critical
                            the birth of modern Israel.   and became the head of Mizrachi's edu-  Nations would support the founding of
                   But this list of founders  should also   cational system, which ultimately grew   a Jewish State. When the delegation met
                   include a Mizrachi leader, Rabbi Yehuda   to include tens of institutions and thou-  with the Zionist leadership, Ben-Gurion
                   Leib Maimon, who played a critical role   sands of students.       asked Rabbi  Maimon to speak to the
                   during the most awe-inspiring moments                              committee about the religious founda-
                   of Israel's birth, imbuing the nascent   At the outbreak of World War I, he was   tion of Zionism. His speech is a powerful
                   State of Israel with the Mizrachi spirit   imprisoned by the Turkish authorities   summary of the Mizrachi world view and
                   of Torah and faith.               and sentenced to death, but was even-  was a golden opportunity to explain how
                                                     tually freed due to the intervention of   religious Jews view the idea of a Jewish
                   Yehuda  Leib  Fishman  grew  up  in
                                                     American Jewish leaders and brought to   state to the nations of the world.
                   Bessarabia, and after years of study in
                                                     the United States. While there, he helped
                   Lithuanian yeshivot, received rabbinic                                "There is an insoluble bond between the
                                                     organize and strengthen Mizrachi USA
                   ordination from Rabbi Yechiel Michel                                  People of Israel and its Torah, and there
                                                     before returning to Eretz Yisrael at the
                   Epstein, the author of the Aruch HaShul-                              is similarly a strong and enduring tie
                                                     end of the war.
                   chan. A Religious Zionist from a young                                between our people and this land,  the
                   age, he joined Mizrachi from its inception   In June 1947, a United Nations Special   like of which is not to be found elsewhere.
                   in 1902, attending Zionist Congresses   Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) del-  The bond between the people and the
                   and advocating on its behalf.     egation came to Palestine to examine   land  was  maintained throughout the

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