Page 23 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 2021 - USA
P. 23

1962                                  1964                                   1967
         In honor of Mizrachi's 60th anniversary,   Rabbi lsser Yehuda Unterman, a central   Within the brief span of six days, the IDF captures
        a fund for 1 million Israeli Lira is created for   figure of pre-war Mizrachi, becomes the   the Sinai peninsula, Yehuda and Shomron, the
          scholarships for religious education   second Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel   Golan Heights and the Old City of Jerusalem

      an older man there who said, "You're   My friends!  Rabbi Moshe Tzvi  Neria                         Rabbi Moshe Tzvi
      a  boy.  You  don't know what you're   has still not received the recognition                       Neria. Backround
                                                                                                          image: Students
      talking about.  When we joined the   he deserves from the people of Israel.                         of the Yeshivat
      Zionist  movement  in my house  in   We cannot imagine the extent of the                            Bnei Akiva in Kfar
      Poland, the city's rabbi excommuni-  greatness, the lifework, and the roots                         HaRo'eh in front
      cated us. He threw us out of the con-  of this great man. He was a student                          of the yeshiva
                                                                                                          building, between
      gregation and didn't let my father be   at  Lifshitz  Seminar  in  Jerusalem,                       1948 and 1951.
                                       which taught educators and trained
      part of a minyan. And you're saying that                                                            (PHOTOS:  PUBLIC
                                        them as teachers. Rabbi Neria left the                            DOMAIN)
      the Torah teaches Zionism?!"
                                        institution and did not receive certifi-
      That's how things were then, and even   cation as a teacher; he had a mission
      among religious people, some consid-  to accomplish. He had one principle
      ered Zionism an enemy. How sad it   that galvanized him: Disseminating
      was. There can be no comparison, in   Torah so that the country would have
      terms of the religious outlook of Israe-  a religious majority. Think about this
      lis, between those days and now. I was   for a moment. Rabbi Neria was living
                                                                         Rabbi  Neria  sent  the  seniors  from
      embarrassed back then to walk around   at a time and place when that goal
                                                                         Yeshivat Bnei Akiva of Kfar HaRo'eh,
      with a kippah!  In pictures from those   seemed ludicrous. Yet  he decided:  I   headed by Rabbi Yaakov Kilav, to Yeshi-
      days, you'll see young people walking   want to spread Torah in Israel. He believed   vat Mercaz HaRav. I was privileged to
      around in berets and caps, so nobody   in the power of the Torah to educate   be in Yeshivat Kfar HaRo'eh's first class
      would know they were religious.  It   the young generation. That with time,   of Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav, all thanks
      was  a  source  of embarrassment.  I   the younger generation would grow   to Rabbi Neria. I was also among those
                                        and develop and ultimately form the
      remember how the Yemenites came                                    sent several years later to establish
      from Yemen, and they cut off their pe'ot   country's majority. And he was right.   Yeshivat Bnei Akiva  in Meiron,  and
                                        Look at the Israel of today, with a vast
      and beards in the transit camps. They                              later Yeshivat Netiv Meir in Jerusalem
                                        and growing religious community, and
         saw it as a source of pride as if they                          and the yeshiva in Ra'anana. In every
                                        appreciate what one man's will can
           were taking the dirt and disfig-                              possible place where he found a build-
                                        accomplish! When you see the results
             urement from their faces. That                              ing, Rabbi Neria established a place for
                                        of his life's work, it's truly unbelievable.
              was the atmosphere in those                                studying Torah. The entire project was
              years, before and for a little                             his brainchild, and it was a success!
               while after the state was                                 Rabbi  Neria's work to spread Torah
                established.                                             among the people of Israel wasn't just
                                                                         about teaching the youth. He instilled
                                                                         in the national consciousness of Israel,
                                                                         among the secular majority, that there
                                                                         is such a thing as a "yeshiva."
                                                                         •  This essay was first published in Hebrew
                                                                         in Makor Rishon in November 2020 to mark
                                                                         Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neria's 15th yahrzeit. The
                                                                         author passed away a few weeks before the
                                                                         essay was published.

                                                                         Rabbi Dr. Michael Zvi Nehorai (1931-2020) was
                                                                         a longtime professor of Jewish  Philosophy
                                                                         at Bar-llan  University, a formidable Torah
                                                                         scholar and a passionate Religious Zionist.

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