Page 37 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 2021 - USA
P. 37
0 n the 19th of Kislev, your family and many of these young people will succeed in want their Israeli Rosh Kollel to remain in
State of Israel. But at the same time, they
preserving their faith when confronted by
so many others will mark the 26th
yahrzeit of your holy grandfather, the powerful currents of a secular society their Diaspora community for twenty years!
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neria zt"I, one of disconnected from holiness. Thank G-d, our The joke we often make is that during the
the most influential Religious Zionist rabbis of country is strong, both economically and first year, the shaliach is in shock. In the
his time. Can you share some memories of your militarily. But on a spiritual level, the high second year, everything works well. And in
grandfather with us? percentage of young people removing their the third year, the shaliach makes plans to
kippot is very concerning. Regarding olim return home to Israel!
I was very attached to my grandfather. When
specifically, sometimes children feel that
I was a teenager he pushed me to enter the We are always thinking about different
the most important mitzvah is to become
field of Jewish education, even though I was models, such as partnerships with com-
"Israeli," which may come at the expense of
interested in other pursuits at the time. He munity rabbis and institutions like Yeshiva
being "Jewish."
encouraged me and persuaded me that my University. But the fundamental tension
calling in life is in the rabbinate and Jewish Today, as the State of Israel flourishes with remains, as we genuinely want Am Yisrael
education. newfound prosperity, we must continue to to return to its Land, which is a vital part of
light a holy fire for Judaism so that people our message as a Zionist Kollel.
Perhaps the most striking aspect of my
grandfather was his constant concern for not only continue to observe Torah and
mitzvot but do so with passion and excite-
the broader Jewish community, a concern You have worked in many different roles - as a
which guided his own actions and which ment. My grandfather was very connected Torah educator, community rabbi and nonprofit
he sought to transmit to his children and to the Rebbe of Piaseczna, Rabbi Kalonymus leader - in both Israel and the Diaspora, giving
grandchildren. This was a direct result of the Kalman Shapira hy"d, who wrote that there you a unique perspective on Jewish communi-
teachings of Rav Kook, who my grandfather is no extraordinary wisdom in seeing how ties all over the world. In your opinion, how do
learned with and was deeply attached to. A good things are in the yeshivot. Instead, we Religious Zionist communities in Israel differ
Jew is obligated to act on behalf of Am Yisrael must pay attention to what is happening in from those in the Diaspora? What can they learn
and the entire world. the streets, where much work is to be done. from one another?
My grandfather was also deeply concerned I believe with all my heart that we must
You spent three years on shlichut in Montreal
with the great challenge of bringing the always be learning from each other to
as the beloved Rosh Kollel of the Torah MiTzion
younger generation closer to Torah. He ensure that we move forwards and not back-
Kollel. How did the experience impact your
wanted to build a Religious Zionist commu- wards. When my grandfather established
nity commited to Torah, a community that family and career, and how has it informed your his yeshiva, he said he wanted "Lithuanian
work in Israel?
is alive and constantly growing and moving lomdus (in-depth Torah study) together with a
forward. To this day, we are still very connected to Chassidic service of G-d and the enthusiasm
the community in Montreal, and many of of young Israelis." We can and must learn
He understood that sometimes a deep ded-
our friends from there have made Aliyah.
ication to Zionism can lead, G-d forbid, to a from everyone!
I am also the Chairman of Torah MiTzion,
weakening of our dedication to Torah. He Today, through our foundation Echad
believed that the only way to avoid this is and I periodically visit Jewish communities L'Echad, we are cultivating the next genera-
by giving our children a deep Torah educa- around the world.
tion of Religious Zionist gedolei Torah (great
tion which brings the light of Torah to every Our shlichut in Montreal made a tremendous Torah scholars) who will be the foundation
aspect of life and community. impact on us. The way Jewish community of our community for the next fifty years.
When my grandfather felt that there was a life works in the Diaspora is a model that We find the top students studying in yeshivot
need for another yeshiva, he wasn't worried we should copy here in Israel, not as a social throughout Israel and give them a monthly
about the impact the new yeshiva would model but as a spiritual model. The rabbi and stipend to continue learning Torah. Every
have on his own. In fact, he would send his lay leadership create a vibrant center filled society, including our own, must cultivate
students to open more yeshivot because he with life, learning and holy joy. In Israel, a a spiritual elite without apology, for these
understood that we must strengthen the successful example of this model is the Shirat leaders will be the ones to confront the spir-
foundation of Kial Yisrael through Torah David shul in Efrat, led by Rabbi Shlomo Katz. itual challenges of the next generation. We
study. There is a holy fire; not a fire that burns, G-d have learned this from the Chareidi world
forbid, but a fire that warms the community. and must incorporate it into our community
How has the Religious Zionist community in as well.
Israel changed in the decades since your grand- You currently serve as Chairman of the Board Israel has much to learn from Diaspora
father passed away? of Torah MiTzion, which sends Religious Zion- Jewry about community, respect for others,
ist shlichim to Jewish communities worldwide.
We could talk about this question for hours! What are some of the challenges and opportuni- and the great importance of every Jew. In
Thank G-d, there have been good changes, our prayers we say: mJ'?IJ iY D!)'?~ D'?'.\'-i21? D~21
ties you encounter in the Torah MiTzion Kollels?
foremost among them the growth of the n-rr,1 il! D~IJ\Y, "and they all accept the yoke of
Torah community. But there are also many The great difficulty is that we are Zionists. Heaven from one another." When we look at
new challenges among Religious Zion- The Diaspora communities love this; they are each other with eyes of kindness and direct
ist youth, including those who study in excited to celebrate Yorn HaAtzmaut with us, our hearts towards Hashem, there is much
religious institutions. It's not certain that and they pray with emotion for the IDF and that we can learn from one another. ■