Page 37 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 37

hope and the vision  he sketched will   survivors, after staring eyeball to eye-  7. We are all summoned
       take lifetimes to fulfill.            ball with the angel of death in Aus-  to the task
                                             chwitz,  would  build  and  rebuild  our
       4. The highest form of                flourishing  homeland?  History  thus   It is this idea that Rabbi Sacks called
       leadership is teaching                teaches that while it may seem illogical   “probably the deepest Jewish truth
                                             to believe in the power of a people –   of all.” While exceedingly humble, he
       Like most of the quotes I have shared,   we can and must believe in our people.   was acutely aware of the task to which
       Rabbi Sacks could have been talking   As Rabbi Sacks put it, “Faith is the   he was summoned. He treated it with
       about  himself  when  he  said,  “The   defeat of probability by possibility.”  absolute sanctity and it was his guid-
       great leaders are educators, teaching                                      ing principle. His time was precious
       people to understand the meaning      With a deep appreciation of the his-  and he always stayed on task.
       of their time.” Every encounter with   tory of the Jewish people, he believed
       Rabbi Sacks was a lesson, every phrase   in all of us more than we often believe   After seeing so many well-known and
       a teaching, every act a tutorial. He was   in ourselves.                   less known leaders emerge in sharing
       the ultimate ‘text-person.’                                                how he inspired them, it is clear he

       My final meaningful encounter with    6. Leaders need a sense              succeeded in elevating others to make
                                                                                  this choice. He often said that “Good
       Rabbi Sacks took place around a year   of timing and pace                  leaders create followers, great leaders
       ago  for  a  few  hours  in  his  home.  We                                create leaders.”
       began in his study, surrounded by     When Moshe asked G-d to choose
       books, and then moved to his living   his successor, he stated that such a
       room, surrounded by more books.       person should “go out before them    8. Every moment
       And I thought to myself that the true   and come in before them, lead them   is an opportunity
       library was in his mind and his capac-  out and  bring them  in.” Rabbi  Sacks   for leadership
       ity  to  catalog,  categorize and  curate   highlighted the apparent repetition
       the  different  ideas  was  part  of  his   as bringing our attention  to a funda-  Rabbi  Sacks argued that “We are all
       genius. Now his own books adorn the   mental truth about leadership. While   called on to be leaders within our
       digital and physical shelves of millions   one should lead from the front, one   sphere of influence, be it the family,
       of libraries, homes and websites alike,   should not go so far ahead that when   the community, at work, among col-
       continuing  to teach  us  and  provide   one turns around, the people are too   leagues, or in-play among teammates.”
       educational companionship.            far behind.                          In this sense, he is inviting all of us to
                                                                                  shoulder the responsibility of these
       5. A leader must have                 Again, he fulfilled his own words:   leadership lessons in our own lives in
       faith in the people                   “Leadership involves a delicate balance   everything we do.
                                             between impatience and patience.
       he or she leads                       Go too fast and people resist. Go too   May the blessings of one of contem-

       To paraphrase Rabbi Sacks, who        slow and they become complacent.     porary Judaism’s greatest leaders stay
       would have thought that a group of    Transformation takes time, often more   strong in our memory and may his
       slaves, escaping from the tyranny     than a single generation.” Clearly, his   memory be a blessing.
       of Egypt in the barren desert over    influence has transformed the Jewish
       2,000 years  ago, could  share a mes-  world profoundly, but we are yet to see
       sage that would transform the world’s   the true transformation he achieved,   1
       moral landscape? More recently, who   something the generations to come        ples-of-jewish-leadership-written-for-the-ad-
       would have thought that a handful of   can only look forward to.               gramme/.

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