Page 39 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 39


 Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

       advantage of one moment and then      The menorah is on the right side as we   then put it outside my home or on my
       become complacent. Chinuch requires   exit our homes and head out into the   dining room table, do I fulfill the mitz-
       ך ֵ לֹוה ְ ו  ףי ִ סֹומ, to always add on, teach   street. There, we, and our children,   vah? The Gemara concludes  ה ָ ק ָ ל ְ ד ַ ה
       more, share more inspiration, and to   will encounter foreign values, outside   ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ  ה ָ ׂשֹוע, the  mitzvah is to light,
       continue the conversation of life. Our   influences, pressures of assimilation   kindle and ignite a flame. This is our
       children never truly graduate from    and challenges to our faith. We see the   duty with chinuch, to light the flame in
       the academy of our homes and they     light of the  menorah as we head out   those around us.
       never complete the teachings of their   and remind ourselves of our duty and
       parents.                              responsibility to illuminate the world,   Revealing What Was Inside
                                             dispel the darkness, and share the light
       We must be  ך ֵ לֹוה ְ ו  ףי ִ סֹומ, continue to   of Torah.               Lastly,  the  purpose  of  the  candles  is
       influence, inspire and motivate them                                       to illuminate the darkness. When we
       each and every day, never allowing    The Role of the Kitchen              light the menorah, we reveal what was
       ourselves to feel too tired to transmit a   Table in Chinuch               there all  along and simply needed a
       lesson or too exhausted to take advan-                                     light to shine on it.
       tage of a teachable moment.           The  halacha continues that  הָנ ָּ כ ַ ס  ן ַ מְז ִּ ב
                                             in a time of danger, we bring the    In chinuch, says the Piascezno, we are
       On the Way in and on the Way Out      menorah inside and put it on the table.  just revealing what is latent inside the
                                                                                  child all along. We illuminate the way
                                             I  believe  that  similarly  in  chinuch,
       The Gemara continues:  ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ  ה ָּ כֻנ ֲ ח רֵנ                     for him or her and allow them to break
       ץּוח ַּ ב ִ מ  ֹותי ֵּ ב  ח ַ ת ֶ פ ְּ ב   ּ ה ָ חיִּנ ַ ה ְ ל, the proper   when  it is  a time  of  danger  in which   through  and  become  the  people  they
       place  for the  menorah is just outside   we are losing children to unhealthy   are meant to be.
       of the home. The simple understand-   behaviors, lack of spirituality or obser-
       ing is that this placement will allow for   vance and more, we need to bring   Michelangelo  put  it  best  when  he
       the greatest publicizing of the miracle,   them into the home and to our tables.   described his process of sculpting: “In
       which is our ultimate goal.           Nothing can substitute for the impact   every block of marble, I see a statue
                                             of spending time with our children   as plain as though it stood before me,
       But there is something deeper. We are   and doing  so around the table with   shaped and perfect in attitude and in
       told the menorah goes on the left side   discussion, singing, conversation, gen-  action.  I have only to hew away the
       so it is opposite the mezuzah and we   uine interest in their lives, sharing  of   rough walls that imprison the lovely
       are thus surrounded by  mitzvot. It is   stories and divrei Torah, and a healthy   apparition to reveal it to the other eyes
       strange, however, that we would vio-  exchange of ideas.                   as mine see it.”
       late our usual rule of giving deference   Many  studies  have  shown  that  drug
       to  the  right  side  in  order  to  be  sur-  use  among  teens  is  inversely  propor-
       rounded. Why not light the  menorah   tional to the number of nights the   Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is the Rabbi of the
       right under the  mezuzah and have     family has dinner around the table   Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS), Florida,
       both on the right? Because right and   together. הָנ ָּ כ ַ ס ן ַ מְז ִּ ב, bring the menorah   and serves on the National Board of the
       left aren’t absolute directions; they are   inside and to the table.
       relative to one’s perspective.
       In truth, both the mezuzah and meno-  Igniting the Flame
       rah are on the “right” side of the door.   The  Gemara  debates
       The  mezuzah is on the right when     whether  ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ ה ָ ׂשֹוע ה ָ חָּנ ַ ה
       one walks into the home. We take the   or  ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ ה ָ ׂשֹוע  ה ָ ק ָ ל ְ ד ַ ה. Is
       values that the  mezuzah represents   the obligation to light
       and stands for and remind ourselves of   the  menorah, or rather
       the unity of Hashem’s existence, about   to place a lit menorah in
       loving Hashem and loving others, and   the proper location? For
       about bringing holiness into our lives   example, if I light a  meno-
       as we enter our home.                 rah in the bathroom but

               The fate of the Jews in the diaspora was, is and predictably will
               be, determined by their commitment to Jewish education.
               RABBI SACKS                                                                                       |  39
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