Page 43 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 43


 Rabbi Zev Leff                                                                          Rabbi Berel Wein

                   The Children’s Holiday

              ow there is not much new or    Jewish tradition and the Rabbis of the   to de-legitimize the State of Israel and
              brilliant left to be said about   Mishnah  took  an  amazing  event  that   our rights to our ancient homeland. If
      Nthe holiday of Chanukah,              many people would look at as being   the wonder of it all is lost and forfeited
       right? Many old and grizzled rabbis   ordinary or natural and restored it to   then so is our struggle for existence
       like yours truly would probably agree   its truly wondrous state. The story   and independence. Chanukah is a pure
       with that statement. Over 50 years of   of Chanukah is that of a small and   wonder and hence its importance and
       writing and speaking about Chanu-     apparently weak nation overcoming a   relevance to us in today’s world.
       kah should pretty much exhaust the    mighty army of a world empire.       Perhaps more than other holidays of
       topic, shouldn’t it? But then again, that   It records a triumph of monotheism   the Jewish year, Chanukah is a chil-
       would be selling Chanukah short.      and Jewish tradition over pagan cul-  dren’s holiday. Tradition allows even
       There is always a different and new   ture and practices, of the small, pure   the youngest to light the Chanukah
       insight that illuminates all the holidays   lights in the Temple that overcame   candles, to play dreidel, to taste latkes
       and  Chanukah  is  certainly  no  excep-  the flaming torches that were far from   and  sufganiyot, to have time off from
       tion.  I  was  reminiscing  with myself   pure, and of the vitality and resilience   school and to observe the holiday
       (something that old grizzled rabbis do   of Israel over those who would wish to   through the eyes and senses of a child.
       often) about my own life and past. I   snuff it out of existence. It is all won-  Children still retain their sense of
       was amazed to again realize that some-  drous but only if one views it all as   wonder and imagination. Their world
       how a lawyer from Chicago ended up    being wondrous.                      is not usually bound by the practicali-
       being  a Rabbi in Jerusalem. How  did                                      ties, realism and sometimes pessimism
       this happen? And how did the Jewish                                        of their elders. Everything in life is still
       State itself happen – not in terms of                                      new and unexpected, worthy of curi-
       history, facts, personages, dates, places                                  osity and examination. Theirs is yet a
       and wars but in the amazing fact that                                      magical world, even a spiritual world,
       such a country flourishes and pro-                                         viewed from a different plane of per-
       gresses  in spite of  all  odds,  past and                                 ception and thought.
       present, against its existence?                                            Therefore, Chanukah is the perfect
                                                                                  holiday for children for it requires this
       Our Sages have taught us that people                                       perspective – to be made wondrous,
       to whom wondrous things occur do                                           miraculous  and  thereby  meaningful
       not really recognize those events as   In their holy perspective of Jewish   and beneficial. Chanukah is not for the
       being wondrous. It is part of the weak-  life and events, our Sages elevated   jaded and empty- spirited. Its candles
       ness of human nature to have such     the mundane and seemingly ordi-      flicker only for those that see the fire
       limited understanding. There has to   nary to the realm of miraculous and   of Torah, tradition and morality lying
       be a flash of insight, a commemorative   eternal. That is the main lesson Cha-  beneath the waxy surface.
       act, a tradition of being able to look   nukah teaches us – we are a special   One who is privileged and able to see
       past the trees to the forest, a spirit of   people who live a miraculous existence   the wonder of the events that occurred
       almost childlike wonder for the amaz-  with constant wonder and yet it is all   to us “in those days” will also be able to
       ing  to  truly  be believable  in  the eye   encrusted in seemingly natural and   discern the wonders that we encounter
       and mind of the beholder. And I think   ordinary occurrences.              daily here in Israel “in our time.”
       this is how we have to look at Chanu-  To de-legitimize the story of Cha-
       kah and the traditions and customs    nukah and to treat it as just another   Rabbi Berel Wein is Senior Rabbi of Beit
       that so endear this eight-day festival to   ancient war of the Grecian period is   Knesset HaNassi in Jerusalem and Director
       all of Israel.                        the same tactic the world uses today   of the Destiny Foundation.

               To be immortal all you need to do is engrave your values on the minds of your children.
               RABBI SACKS
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