Page 46 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 46


                                                                                      Rabbi Azarya Berzon

                             Simcha and the

                         Chanukah Candles

          n his first halacha of Hilchot Cha-  the candles for one’s personal benefit.   a legal status vis-à-vis the candle itself,
          nukah (OC 670), the Shulchan       The halachic status of the Chanukah   but even the status of the house where
      IAruch codifies the custom to          candles is identical with that of the ner   the candles are lit is transformed. The
       abstain from engaging in labor while   of the Menorah in the Mikdash, and is   תִי ַּ ב takes on the complexion of the ל ָ כי ֵ ה
       the  Chanukah  candles  are  burning,    therefore ה ָ אָנ ֲ ה ַּ ב רּוס ָ א.  in the Mikdash, where the  Menorah
       despite the fact there is no prohibi-                                      was lit. Hence, the obligation of  א ָ רֹומ
       tion enjoining labor on Chanukah.     This ruling would seem to indicate     ׁש ָ ּ ד ְ ק ִ מ (awe for the Mikdash) applies to
       Let us suggest an explanation for this   that the mitzvah of ה ָּ כֻנ ֲ ח רֵנ is not only a   the תִי ַּ ב, which in turn precipitates an
       minhag.                               zecher for the miracle but also a zecher   ה ָ כא ָ ל ְ מ רּו ּ ס ִ א.
       The Rambam writes  that the days of   for the Mikdash.
       Chanukah were established as days of   The same conclusion would seem to   We can now understand the require-
       simcha. Since we don’t know the Ram-  underlie the statement of the Ramban   ment  of  simcha  on  Chanukah.  Once
       bam’s source (we only know of such an   (Commentary on the Torah, beginning   the home is transformed into a Mik-
       obligation on Purim), we need a defi-  of Parashat Beha’alotcha):  Hashem   dash and one is standing in the pres-
       nition of this mitzvah of simcha. 2   told Aharon that his obligation to   ence of Hashem, one must be in a state
                                             light the  ner of the  Menorah in the   of joy. 4
       The Gemarah (Sukkah 41a) establishes   Mikdash was an eternal one. It would
       an obligation incumbent upon Chazal   continue even after the destruction of          !ֹומֹק ְ מ ִּ ב ה ָ ו ְ ד ֶ ח ְ ו זֹע
       to establish mitzvot DeRabbanan that   the Mikdash in the mitzvah – incum-       “Might and joy are in His
       will encourage us to remember the     bent upon every Jew – to light the        place” (Chronicles 1 16:27).
       Mikdash. This is fulfilled on Sukkot   Chanukah candles. Apparently, ה ָּ כֻנ ֲ ח רֵנ
       when we take the lulav for the entire   is a continuation of the mitzvah of רֵנ
       holiday or during the period of Sefira   ׁש ָ ּ ד ְ ק ִּ מ ַּ ב!           1   The Maharil includes both men and women
       when we count the days of the Omer.                                            in this custom.
       One  would  doubt  that  the  mitzvah   The obligation is not simply to    2   The Ra’avya assumes an obligation to eat a
       of lighting Chanukah candles could    remember the Mikdash but rather to       meal with bread on each day of Chanukah!
       be classified as  ׁש ָ ּ ד ְ ק ִּ מ ַ ל ר ֶ כֵז; rather, the   imagine oneself as if one were stand-  3   See Rambam, Hilchot Tefilla, 11:8.
       essence of the  mitzvah is  סֵנ ְ ל  ר ֶ כֵז, to   ing in the Mikdash and one’s mitzvah   4   See Shiurim LeZecher Abba Mori, Vol. 2,
                                                                                      pages 193-4. Just as the  minhag of  Yom Tov
       remember and thank  Hashem for        act is defined as a replication of the   Sheini  extends  kedusha  in  ןמז,  so  does  the
       the great miracle of the lights of the   mitzvah performed in the Mikdash.     minhag of  הכאלמ  רוסיא during  ner Chanuka
       Menorah.                                                                       generate kedusha in םוקמ.
                                             Perhaps the custom of abstaining from
       Rabbeinu Zerachya HaLevy, in his      labor while the Chanukah candles are   Rabbi Azarya Berzon serves as the Rav and
       opening comment on the second         burning is an extension of the ruling   Rosh Kollel of the Emek Learning Center in
       chapter of Masechet Shabbat, explains   of Rabbeinu Zerachya HaLevy. Not   Yerushalayim, and has over 7800 audio shi-
       the prohibition  of  using the light of   only does the  ׁש ָ ּ ד ְ ק ִּ מ ַ ל ר ֶ כֵז םּוּי ִ ק engender   urim available online.

                                                Happiness is not far away. It is here, but first we have to know how to look.
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