Page 49 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 49
r. Kurt Rothschild, President You live such a busy life. How do Do you have any other words of
of World Mizrachi, rises each you do it all at your age? wisdom to share with our readers?
Mday at 6 am, attends morn-
ing services, studies Daf Yomi and, Ribono Shel Olam gives me strength. We live in an ongoing miracle, a mir-
until COVID-19, headed to his office It is a tremendous privilege to reach acle the generations before us could
at World Mizrachi headquarters in the such an extreme age. The fact I am not even imagine. I walk the streets
center of Jerusalem. He would work still around obliges me to give my of Jerusalem today and see men,
until 4:30 pm, when he returned home life meaning. A person who lives his women and children simply walking
to his wife Edith. life with meaning, even if G-d forbid the streets. These people do not know
he dies at a young age, leaves the and do not understand what antisem-
What is most extraordinary about world with a sense of fullness and itism is. We decide who can enter the
this, is that Mr. Rothschild is about to appreciation. country, who is worthy, who meets the
celebrate his 100th birthday! criteria. Criteria can be debated, but
We wanted to learn more about Kurt the very fact the government and
power are in the hands of Jews is
this astonishing man and are a miracle.
honored to share with you a little
of what we discovered: Rothschild When you get a second chance
at life, you realize how important
You and your wife made aliyah — AT — it is, so you try and endow it with
in your 90s. Why? meaning. You never know what
will happen. We all get oppor-
It’s a mixture of wanting to tunities, every day, without even
be here, identifying with our realizing it.
people, our country, and ending
our lives, at some point, here in As long as G-d allows it, I will
continue to act. Donating and
Israel. I was born in Germany
almost 100 years ago and then doing are key to longevity. We
all have the ability to give some-
forced out, first to England, then
Canada, and after 75 years in thing: money, time or talent.
My main motivation to do and
Canada, my wife and I are now C E L E B R A T I N G T H E
here. We have children here, INCREDIBLE CENTENARIAN give was the memory of the
Holocaust. G-d ‘got the ball
grandchildren, great-grand-
rolling’ so that I had the
children, and every single day opportunity to live in Canada
we are so grateful we made this during the war. This is the kind
of debt you must repay. I came to
Israel is the center of the world. A the conclusion that there is no better
small country, embattled from all This ideal grows stronger as you live way to repay this debt than to ensure
sides and in world news almost every longer. When you reach the ninth the continuity of the Jewish people –
day. To walk the streets of Jerusalem decade – or in my case the 10th – the whether in Israel or outside – through
is a special privilege, and really unbe- ideal intensifies through the experi- education and chesed towards those
lievable how we – threatened by Iran, ence and wisdom one has acquired. who need it.
Syria, the other Arab countries, the Although it is not easy to climb the Join us in wishing
Palestinians – managed to build up a stairs to the office every morning,
country in such a remarkable, incred- I am lucky that I continue to try and Mr. Kurt Rothschild
ible way. succeed. a very happy birthday!
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