Page 26 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 26


                                                                                                    Mrs. Shira Smiles

                       Exalted Entourage

             here is a well-known custom of   bond  between  the  physical  and  the   holiday the Torah commands us multi-
             inviting seven special guests,   spiritual. The clouds, like the  sukkah,   ple times to be joyous. Otzrot HaTorah
      Tseven shepherds of our nation,        are a temporary manifestation of G-d’s   cites  the  Zohar  who  picks  up  on  this
       into our sukkot, one on each night of   presence, and we can achieve that   nomenclature. Every time we celebrate
       Sukkot. According to the Zohar, each   state through our service to Him. The   a simcha, we are joined by our parents,
       of these precious shepherds – Avra-   ultimate bond, however, is achieved in   and G-d brings the departed souls of
       ham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Yosef, Moshe,   the World to Come, from where our   the previous generations to celebrate
       Aharon  and  David  –  is  considered  a   guests have come to visit us on this   with us. How can we acknowledge
       day to which the holiday is dedicated,   holiday. When we sit in the sukkah, we   their presence as our guests? By invit-
       and all of Israel then joins them.    are basking in the joy of being in G-d’s   ing the poor to our  sukkah or giving
                                             presence. Therefore, if one experiences   them  financial, spiritual  or emotional
       Do these shepherds actually come to   discomfort while in the sukkah, one is
       grace our  sukkot as guests? How do   exempt from sitting there, while one   support we are taking what we would
       we incorporate that concept to impact   should attempt to “live” in the sukkah,   otherwise offer these guests and giving
       our celebration? And why do we invite   catching up on one’s reading and   it to others. If you keep your celebra-
       these special guests on Sukkot rather   Torah study in this holy environment.  tion focused only on yourselves, the
       than on Pesach, the other seven-day                                        ushpizin want no part of it and leave.
       holiday?                              According to the Netivot Shalom,     After all, the whole concept of  ush-
                                             while the covenant between  Hashem   pizin is inviting guests. Your spiritual
       The Otzrot HaTorah, citing the        and Bnei Yisrael was originally forged   high must be grounded in reality and
       Shelah HaKadosh, writes that with     at Sinai and the Clouds of Glory sur-  must include those less fortunate. It is,
       such exalted guests, we must practice   rounded us at that time, that covenant   after all,  Chag HaAsif, the holiday of
       decorum in the sukkah, and keep our   is renewed every year when the world   gathering the wheat, but the gathering
       speech Torah-based so our guests will   is recreated on Rosh Hashanah. Then   should also include gathering people
       feel comfortable. The Belzer Rebbe    we can again draw His presence down   together in joy.
       adds that the great wives of these lead-  to  us  as  we  try  to  repair  the  world
       ers accompany them too. The Netivot   anew.                                Let  us  make  our special  guests  feel
       Shalom  notes  they    have  come  from                                    welcome. Make each one the center
       Gan Eden, a place of total spirituality,   Each of these leaders renewed some-  of the conversation of the night dedi-
       to visit us on this physical earth. That   thing in the world. Each year, as the   cated to him. The point of Sukkot is
       is one of the reasons why they can only   world is being recreated, we draw   to give hope to people, for just as the
       come to a temporary abode like the    upon  these  characteristics  to  help  us   Clouds of Glory surrounded us in the
       sukkah. While the walls of our perma-  repair the world, and we ask that these   desert, so does G-d’s presence sur-
       nent homes absorb all the improper    seven  come  down  and  impart  their   round us throughout our lives, and
       speech and untoward behavior of the   energies to us as individuals so we can   He sends down some majestic men-
       entire year (says the Minchat Michael),   work on our mission as G-d’s nation.   tors and role models to help us on our
       the walls of the sukkah are inherently   We do not need their help on Pesach,   journey.
       holy,  and  the  s’chach  is  the  shade  of   but on Sukkot, when we’ve just started
       G-d’s protection.                     rebuilding the world, we can use their
                                             help with chesed and gevura and all the
       The walls of the sukkah represent the   other traits they embody.
       Clouds of Glory that surrounded us                                         Mrs. Shira Smiles is a sought-after interna-
       at Sinai and then descended on the    Sukkot is called  z’man simchateinu,   tional lecturer, a popular seminary teacher,
       Mishkan. As such, they represent the   the season of our joy, for it is the only   and an experienced curriculum developer.

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