Page 23 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 23


       Each Sukkot it is as if G-d were      surrounded by clouds of glory. It is the   what our career or livelihood will be,
       reminding us: don’t think you need    only people who can live in a tempo-  or what will happen to society and to
       solid walls to make you feel safe. I led   rary dwelling and yet rejoice.  the world. We cannot escape exposure
       your ancestors through the desert so                                       to risk. That is what life is.
       they would never forget the journey   In  Radical  Uncertainty,   the  book
       they had to make and the obstacles    recently published by John Kay (econ-  The  sukkah symbolizes living with
       they had to overcome to get to this   omist) and Mervyn King (former       unpredictability. Sukkot is the festival
       Land. He said, “I made the Israelites   Governor of the Bank of England),   of radical uncertainty. But it places it
       live in booths when I brought them    a distinction is made between  risk,   within the framework of a narrative,
       out of the land of Egypt” (Vayikra    which is calculable, and  uncertainty,   exactly as Kay and King suggest. It tells
       23:43). In those booths, fragile and   which is not. They argue that people   us that though we journey through a
       open to the elements, the Israel-     have relied too much on calculations   wilderness, we as a people will reach
       ites learned the courage to live with   of probability while neglecting the   our destination. If we see life through
       uncertainty.                          fact  that danger may appear from a   the eyes of faith, we will know we are
                                             completely  unexpected  source.  The   surrounded by clouds of glory. Amid
       Other nations told stories that cel-  sudden appearance of the Coronavirus   uncertainty, we will find ourselves able
       ebrated their strength. They built    proved their point. People knew there   to rejoice. We need no castles for pro-
       palaces and castles as expressions of   was a possibility of a pandemic. But no   tection or palaces for glory. A humble
       invincibility. The Jewish people were   one knew what it would be like, where   sukkah will do, for when we sit within
       different. They carried with them a   it would  come from,  how rapidly  it   it, we sit beneath what the Zohar calls
       story about the uncertainties and haz-  would spread, and what toll it would   “the shade of faith.”
       ards of history. They spoke of their   take.
       ancestors’ journey through the wil-                                        I believe the experience of leaving the
       derness without homes, houses, pro-   More important than the calculation   protection  of  a  house  and  entering
       tection against the elements. It is a   of  probabilities,  they  say,  is  under-  the exposure of the  sukkah is a way
       story of spiritual strength, not military   standing the situation, answering the   of taming our fear of the unknown. It
       strength.                             question, “What is going on?”  This,   says: we have been here before. We are
                                             they say, is never answered by statis-  all travelers on a journey. The Divine
       Sukkot is a testament to the Jewish   tics or predictions but rather by narra-  Presence is with us. We need not be
       people’s survival. Even if it loses its   tive, by telling a story.        afraid.  That  is  a  source  of  the  resil-
       Land and is cast again into the wil-                                       ience we need in our interconnected,
       derness, it will lose neither heart   That is exactly what Sukkot is about. It   hazardous, radically uncertain world.
       nor hope. It will remember it spent   is a story about uncertainty. It tells us
       its  early years as  a nation  living in a   that we can know everything else, but
       sukkah, a temporary dwelling exposed   we will never know what tomorrow    1   Sukkah 11b.
       to the elements. It will know that in   will bring. Time is a journey across a   2   John Kay and Mervyn King,  Radical Uncer-
       the wilderness, no encampment is      wilderness.                              tainty, Bridge Street Press, 2020.
       permanent. It will keep traveling until                                    3   The authors derive this idea from Richard
       once again it reaches the promised    On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,         Rumelt, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy, Crown,
       land: Israel. Home.                   we pray to be written into the Book
                                             of Life. On Sukkot, we rejoice because
       It is no accident that the Jewish people   we believe we have received a positive
       is the only one to have survived 2,000   answer to our prayer. But as we turn to
       years of exile and dispersion, its iden-  face the coming year, we acknowledge
       tity intact and energy unabated. It   at the outset that life is fragile, vul-  Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is Emeritus
       is the only people who can live in a   nerable in a dozen different ways. We   Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congre-
       shack with leaves as a roof and yet feel   do not know what our health will be,   gations of the Commonwealth.

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