Page 19 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 19


                                                                                     Rabbi Ya’akov Ariel

                  Our Sukkot Lesson

                 from Ya’akov Avinu

             a’akov Avinu’s greatness lay in the   Am Yisrael has been through its fair   world outside and the winds of that
             fact that he managed to maintain   share of ups and downs. Yet whenever   world blow strongly in all corners of our
       Yhis spiritual stability even in the   we were in trouble, wherever we were,   homes and communities.
       midst of constant life crises. His brother   our eternal values remained firm and
       was out to kill him, he fled to the wily   unshaken. This remarkable ability – to   So much so that the Jewish home is no
       Lavan and despite his uncle’s trickery   be stable while everything around you   longer as stable as it once was. Its foun-
       and deceit, Ya’akov still remained faith-  is unstable – is the hidden power of   dations are wobbling and for many, it is
       ful to the mitzvot and upright and pure   Ya’akov Avinu. And indeed, in this sense,   no longer a safe fortress. Nevertheless,
       in his ways.                          he has never died. As we continue to live   if the home is still identified as a Jewish
                                             our lives based on Jewish principles and   one, it is likely to remain that way for-
       Even Ya’akov’s two names say something   values, he lives on too.          ever, whatever the challenges. In such a
       of his mental strength in the face of his                                  home, the spirit of the individuals, the
       difficult life. בקעי is related to בקע, heel –   “Esav returned along the way to Seir on   family, and the nation must be rein-
       the curved area at the base of the leg. בקע   that day. Ya’akov went to Sukkot” (Bere-  forced, nurtured and developed.
                                             ishit 33). The Zohar expounds upon the
       can also mean a cause of. Ya’akov’s other   juxtaposition of these two journeys, lik-
       name, לארשי, contains the Hebrew word   ening them to the relationship between   Our nation possesses  such inner
       רשי, straight. Despite his many struggles   Yom Kippur, when the scapegoat is sent   strength to combat and overcome life’s
       with forces more numerous or power-   to Azazel, and the Jewish people moving   challenges because we inherited this
       ful than he, Ya’akov’s integrity, sense   into their sukkot. After Ya’akov, the ide-  trait from Ya’akov Avinu. He taught
       of right, and loyalty to G-d remained   alist, freed himself from the influence   us that we can overcome temptations,
       intact.                               of Esav, the materialist, he was able to   avoid danger and stay strong, whatever
                                             relax in the shade of truth and faith in   the circumstances.
       Israel, the aspiration to uprightness,   his sukkah. The sukkah is the antithesis
       purity, and truth – is the ideal name.   of aggressiveness, dominance and evil.   Am Yisrael, the ideal people, has the
       Ya’akov, the necessity to face evil and   Its physicality is purely functional – a   power to filter things and to absorb
       cruel reality in our world – is the actual   vessel for holding Jewish law, faith and   only the good, the true and the beauti-
       name. The tension between the real    deep spiritual joy.                  ful, while discarding falsity, ugliness and
       and the ideal accompanies Am Yisrael’s                                     evil. Even if our sukkah appears to be
       long and complicated history, yet we are   Sukkot actually contains a double mes-  unstable on the outside, there is nothing
       known by our ideal name.              sage. On the one hand, our temporary,   more stable than the spirit within.
                                             often flimsy sukkah symbolizes tran-
       This teaches us that despite everything   sience and impermanence – the exile.
       we have been through – the persecu-   Yet it is also a holy sanctuary within the
       tions, the pogroms and the murders,   ups and downs of regular life, a little
       the battle for good and truth has not   Israel among the other nations.
       been lost. On the contrary. Our core
       values became stronger and more       There is no contradiction between the
       prominent. The wandering Jew, even    two. Even in exile, in unimaginable con-
       when walking through the valley of the   ditions, we continued to develop our
                                             culture and strengthen our spirit.
       shadow of death, did not fear the evil
       forces attempting to forcibly convert and   This double message carries far-reach-  Rabbi Ya’akov Ariel was the Chief Rabbi of
       confuse him. The more they tortured us,   ing implications. In our times, mass   Ramat Gan, Israel, and one of the leading
       the more we grew.                     media has exposed our homes to the   rabbis of the Religious Zionist movement.

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