Page 14 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 14


                                                         Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir

                  Eight Thoughts Under the S’chach

       1. Freedom                            and yes, there are family meals that   day and after all your effort, your child

           ukkot is the chag of Faith. We    need to address everyone’s preferences   can give you a generous mouthful of
           leave our homes, we don’t know    and dislikes, and yes, sometimes the   chutzpah. Outside you receive feed-
      Swhat the weather will be, and         noise from the neighbor’s  sukkah is   back and praise, inside everyone is not
       we feel just like  Bnei Yisrael in the   annoying, and yes, you need to juggle   always happy. Your work is sacred but
       desert, under G-d’s wing. This year we   all the kids, etc. But when you take   not appreciated: why keep the house
       understand this more than ever. Since   what you’ve gleaned from Elul, Rosh   in order if it’s  just going  to be chaos
       Purim we have been participating in   Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and apply   again tomorrow?
       a “Sukkot Workshop” – relax, let go,   them to all these seemingly mundane   “Eim BeYisrael” – mothers need to
       understand you’re not in charge. Lock-  assignments… that’s the ideal. Life   value themselves and what they do.
       down  and  quarantine,  no  shul,  none   itself.                          They’re full of self-criticism, taking
       of our regular frameworks, schools,                                        on more and more assignments and
       shows… our beloved routine. This      3. Family                            constantly frustrated and unhappy. I
       year it’s easier for us to relate to the   These are very much family-oriented   urge them to connect inwards, give
       chag, and fulfil the wonderful pasuk in   days. Here’s one idea, from the well-  themselves a pat on the back for being
       Tehillim: םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א י ִ כֹנ ָ א־י ִּ כ ּוע ְ דּו ּו ּ פ ְ ר ַ ה – ‘chill   known Israeli parenting counselor,   who they are and doing what’s right
       out’ and know that I am G-d.          Ziva Meir (who also happens to be my   for them. Do that from the inside and
                                             mother-in-law): “Notice that many of   everything outside will change as well.”
       2. Between Yom Kippur and Sukkot      the most moving songs in the world
       We tend to think the highlight of the   are about “Mother.” In all styles. In all   4. Know to Differentiate
       chagim is Yom Kippur, Neilah, and     languages. “Umi” in Arabic, “Mama” in   On Shabbat during Sukkot we read
       then we come back down to earth.      Yiddish, everyone worships Mommy.    Megillat Kohelet. In our crazy times,
       But no, the peak is now. To fast all   How did Deborah the Prophetess say   the profound words of Shlomo
       day like angels is not the ideal. There’s   it? “Until I, Deborah, arose, I arose as   HaMelech  carry a  lot  of significance:
       something even higher, and it’s called   mother in Israel.” ל ֵֽ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי ְּ ב ם ֵ א, a mother   “Everything has its season and there is
       Sukkot.                               in Israel, is a concept. A Jewish mother   time for everything under the Heaven:
                                             should be proud of who she is. She does   a time to give birth and a time to die,
       Yom Kippur is only one day, when      not need to put herself down. Mom has   a time to plant and a time to uproot…
       everything stops. The aim is to draw   often become a focus of guilt. We blame   a time to cry and a time to laugh, a
       strength from it for the other 364 days   her for anything that’s not okay or we   time to eulogize and a time to dance…
       of the year. To take the messages and   just blame her for the sake of blaming…  a time to hug and a time to avoid
       energy of this special day into our                                        hugs…”
       lives, into nature, into the world. Thus   Mothers! At this time of year, find out
       writes Rav Kook: “Those days between   who you really are. Don’t follow the   In our confusing reality, we try to
       Yom Kippur and Sukkot were given to   external needs of others but connect   do everything at once. Career and
       educate us about returning to the mat-  to yourselves. After all, the world is   family and marriage and relation-
       ters of this world.” In other words, one   lying to us all the time: at work, it’s   ships and studies and hundreds of
       needs to build a sukkah. One needs to   easy to glean compliments and at   WhatsApp messages in between all
       go to the market to buy  arba minim,   home, you can work hard all day every   that. Kohelet reminds us of a simple

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