Page 12 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 12
Rabbi Hillel Van-Leeuwen
Survival of the Weakest
used to get frustrated each year fastest to dry once removed from a water pilgrims gather again at the Temple in
when, on the last few days of Sukkot, source, is the most fitting tree through Jerusalem to celebrate Pesach together.
I I noticed how quickly the arava which to show our absolute dependence Since Sukkot is followed by the year’s
leaves lost their vitality, shriveled up on rain, our primordial fear of famine longest break between holidays, it is
and died. In my attempts to keep them and our inherent thirst for water – all of imperative to raise awareness of our
fresh like the beautiful hadas branches, which are strongly felt in a desert land need for G-d’s loving, caring, protect-
I kept them rolled up in a wet towel like Israel. ing and providing hand in our daily
in the fridge, standing in a bucket of lives while we are far from the Place He
fresh water, even tucked away inside The Murbiyot branches of the arava, chose. The arava was selected, due to
the freezer – but to no avail. Nothing which naturally grow on the riverbanks its evident weakness, as the medium
seemed to really work. Recently, how- and need lots of water to survive [the one through which to convey this import-
ever, I have changed the way I look at growing in my own back yard consumes ant value in Jewish life. In that sense,
those pale-green dried leaves. Here’s three times as much water as the rest of I’m happy to see my aravot begin to dry.
why. my fruit trees], are placed at the corners
of the altar, not far from the large fire I once saw a rationalist bumper sticker
At first glance, the arava is indeed the burning on top of it. Within a matter of that read “Prayer is for Wimps.” True
least impressive of the Four Species. minutes the fresh, beautifully-shaped enough. Prayer can be such a powerful
According to our Sages, the arava is leaves darken, twist and dry, hanging tool and connect us to G-d only after
the least worthy when compared to the there lifeless and miserable in front of we admit our own powerlessness and
etrog, lulav and hadas. It has some value the massive celebrating crowds. Apart stand before Him with a genuine feeling
only if bound together with the other from being a catalyst for the upcoming of constant need. This is what we learn
species, which are of higher importance Prayer for Rain recited on the last day of from the arava. Indeed, the secret of
and can therefore atone for it. How Sukkot, this sight serves as a symbolic tefillah rests in the awe-inspiring knowl-
surprising it is, therefore, to find two reminder of our complete dependence edge that we are absolutely dependent
Sukkot practices focusing on the arava on G-d, and of our thirst for Torah. on G-d, every minute of every day.
The same applies to the Chavata, the This is powerful. For truly attaching our-
a) the Murbiyot, the long arava branches beating of the arava on the floor. When selves to the Absolute Power rests on
– 5.5 meters tall – picked by a river out- seeing how easily even the fresh leaves our understanding that we are absolutely
side Jerusalem and erected at the four fall off the arava branches, we are
corners of the altar in the courtyard of reminded of our eternal state of mortal powerless without Him.
the Temple throughout the seven days helplessness. I personally try to apply
of Sukkot, with their ends bent onto the this idea to various aspects of Jewish
top of the altar (Mishnah Sukkah 4:5), practice, which include humbling expe-
and b) the Chavata, the five aravot we riences such as dipping in a mikveh or
tie together and beat on the floor in shul the horrible weakness I feel at the end
at the end of the Hoshanot on Hoshanah of fast days.
Rabbah, a custom originated by the early
Prophets (Rambam, Lulav 7:24). The need for such visual effects and
physical actions to reinforce and impress
So here is a fresh look at the arava: spiritual messages into our psyche is
Sukkot is known as the “Judgement obvious. But it makes even more sense
Day for Rain” (Mishnah Rosh Hashanah if we remember that there are six long Rav Hillel Van-Leeuwen is Head of Leader-
1:2), and the arava, whose leaves are the months after Sukkot until all Jewish ship Development at World Mizrachi.
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