Page 20 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 20
Rabbi Hershel Schachter
True Simcha
av Soloveitchik was fond of Thus, the mitzvah of simchat Yom Tov chatan during his seven days of Sheva
discussing a comment of the includes more than the offering of a Berachot. The Rama (Orach Chaim
RRamban in his Hasagot to Korban Shelamim and the partaking of 135:1) records the minhag that a
Sefer HaMitzvot (shoresh rishon, s.v. its meat and of wine. According to the chatan should be given an aliyah since
vehapli’ah). The Ramban believes that Ramban, one of the manifestations of it is like a Yom Tov for him. What is
the recitation of Hallel is a d’oraita this mitzvah is the singing of praises to the halachic basis for this minhag?
obligation. This is in contrast to the Hashem in the form of Hallel. Simcha
Rambam, who did not count the rec- also includes the obligation to provide The Rav explained that a chatan
has a mitzvah of simcha. Since
itation of Hallel on Yom Tov in the colored or pressed linen garments for Talmud Torah is a form of simcha,
count of taryag mitzvot because he one’s wife and to distribute nuts and as evidenced by the restrictions to
held it is only a mitzvah deRabbanan. almonds to one’s children (Pesachim learning that apply to an avel and on
The Ramban cites the pasuk in refer- 109a; Yerushalmi Pesachim 10:1). Tisha B’Av, it follows that teaching
ence to the shira of the Levi’im: “On The Rambam (Hilchot Yom Tov 6:18; Torah is a further fulfillment of the
a day of your gladness, and on your Hilchot Chagigah 2:14) writes that mitzvah of simcha. Through teaching
Festivals, and on your New Moons, simcha on Yom Tov requires not only others, one causes them to experience
you shall sound the trumpets over that we ourselves eat, drink, and be in simcha. For this reason as well, the
your olah-offerings and over your a joyous mood. The Rambam terms minhag is for the chatan to deliver
shelamim-offerings” (Bamidbar 10:10). such enjoyment as simchat kreiso (joy divrei Torah at the chatan’s tish. The
of one’s stomach), instead of simchat chatan receives an aliyah in which
This pasuk describes that during mitzvah. Rather, on Yom Tov, there is he is melameid Torah to the tzibbur
the nisuch haYayin (wine libation) also a mitzvah to provide for the poor that listens to the kriya, essentially
of korbanot tzibbur (communal and those who are less fortunate, to the function of every oleh laTorah,
offerings), the Levi’im engaged in enable them to have food and drink for in order to enhance his mitzvah of
shira through singing and musical Yom Tov. In other words, an important simcha by being mesameach others.
accompaniment (on weekdays), which part of the mitzvah of simcha is to be
included the use of chatzotzrot. The mesameach others. According to this explanation, it
Ramban suggests that Hallel is a would seem one should endeavor to be
similar obligation to the shira sung That is why there is a minhag to make called up for an aliyah on every Yom
during the avodah – both of them a tzedaka appeal every Yom Tov, as Tov, not only on the Yamim Noraim
are manifestations of the mitzvah of an expression of simchat Yom Tov. In (as mentioned by the Mateh Efrayim
fact, it is because we pledge tzedaka
simcha. 584:17). This way, one adds to the joy
on Yom Tov that the Yizkor prayer was of others by teaching them Torah, and
Indeed, one of the sources in the introduced (Levush, Orach Chaim by so doing, he fulfills the mitzvah of
Gemara (Arachin 11a) for the shira 490:9). The pledge of tzedaka should simchat Yom Tov. 2
of the Levi’im is the pasuk found in be considered as a zechut for one’s
the tochecha, ת ֶ א ָּ ת ְ ד ַ ב ָ ע אלֹ ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א ת ַ ח ַּ ת parent(s) who raised a child with
ב ָ ב ֵ ל בּוט ְ בּו ה ָ ח ְ מׂ ִ ש ְּ ב ךי ֶ קלֹ ֱ א 'ה – “Because proper attitudes and values regarding 1 See, Pesach, 2006, “True
you did not serve Hashem, your G-d sharing their assets with others. Thus, Simcha.”
[a reference to avodah in the Beit the recitation of Yizkor is not at all a 2 See B’Ikvei HaTzon, pp. 94-95.
form of aveilut, but rather a fulfillment
HaMikdash] with joy and goodness of of the mitzvah of simcha. 1
heart” (Devarim 28:47). Rashi adds, Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh Yeshiva
“One sings shira only out of a feeling The notion of sharing one’s simcha and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
of joy and goodness of heart.” with others may be relevant to a Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University.
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