Page 24 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 24


                                                                            Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski

          Why Kohelet  on Sukkot?

             s a psychiatrist, I was once    admirable desires but they do not pro-  own  skin,  when  you  do  chesed,  when
             asked to explain why we read    duce happiness. The Talmud says, “No   you have a goal in life of serving G-d
       AKohelet on Sukkot, the season        one leaves this world having achieved   instead of expecting that G-d should
       of joy.  After all, Kohelet is so terribly   even half of his desires.”    fulfill all of your desires.
       depressing, negating everything as
       futile and worthless.                 In Kohelet, Shlomo states this clearly.   Shlomo ends Kohelet by saying, “In
                                             “As a king, I was the richest of all. I
       Sukkot is indeed the season of simcha.   did not deny myself any human plea-  summary, fear G-d and do His mitzvot,
       However, our concept of  simcha  is   sure. But I found that this too was a   because then you will be a  mentsch.”
       flawed.                               vexation.”                           Only when one is a  mentsch can one
                                                                                  be happy. So, reading Kohelet on
       I have heard people say, “If only I could   It is wonderful to enjoy good things,
       get out of debt, I would be happy,” or   but don’t deceive yourself that these   Sukkot is most important. We live in a
       “If only I had a better job, I’d be happy,”   enjoyments will bring you happiness.   culture that places self-gratification as
       or “If only I could get relief from my   Happiness is achieved when you work   a goal in life. Kohelet tells us this can
       arthritis, I’d be happy,” or “If only my   toward becoming what G-d wants you   never result in simcha.
       daughter would do a  shidduch, I’d    to be, a mentsch!
       be happy.” The “If onlys” are count-
       less. I’ve been around long enough    What separates a  mentsch  from ani-
       to see people get what they thought   mals is not his greater intellect. Ani-
       would make them happy, but remain     mals are totally self-absorbed, seeking
       unhappy.                              their  physical pleasures. One cannot
                                             be happy if one lives a life of self-ab-  Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski is a psychia-
       Happiness does not depend on com-     sorption,  seeking  pleasure.  You  are   trist and rabbi, and founder of the Gateway
       fort or pleasure. They are indeed     a  mentsch when you get out of your   Rehabilitation Center in Pennsylvania.

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