Page 32 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 32


                                                                                    Rabbanit Sally Mayer

                       Why the Eighth Day?

              ow many days is Sukkot? The    one bull, symbolizes G-d’s asking His   more prominently on Shemini Atzeret.
              Torah describes it as a seven–  beloved nation for just a small meal   If Shemini Atzeret is a holiday purely
      Hday holiday (Vayikra 23, Bam-         to enjoy. The Midrash in Bamidbar    for the Jewish people, after the univer-
       idbar 29, Devarim 16), and yet the    Rabbah slightly modifies this: G-d is   sal holiday of Sukkot, we can under-
       pesukim add an eighth day as an ת ֶ ר ֶ צ ֲ ע,   like a king who invites all his subjects   stand  why it warrants its own  she-
       literally “stopping” or “gathering.”     to a seven-day feast, and afterward   hecheyanu. However, as Rashi writes,
       What is the nature of this eighth day?   says to his most beloved servant, “Let   if  Shemini Atzeret is an added day to
       Why is Sukkot described as lasting    us enjoy whatever you can find, a bit of   Sukkot, just to stay a bit longer, why
       seven days, if it actually lasts eight?    meat, fish, or vegetables.” According to   is that considered a new holiday? Isn’t
                                             this idea, Sukkot is a universal holiday   it just a continuation of the previous
       Indeed,  Talmudic   Sages   debate    while Shemini Atzeret is only for the
       whether we say the  beracha of  she-  Jewish people. A modest holiday just   seven days?
       hecheyanu   on   Shemini   Atzeret    to celebrate G-d’s special relationship   Perhaps the nature of Shemini Atzeret
       (Sukkah 47b). The Gemara concludes    with His beloved people.             is exactly that. It’s a day that celebrates
       we do say it because Shemini Atzeret                                       our unique, emotional relationship with
       is considered its own holiday in several   Rashi (Vayikra 23:36) cites the follow-  G-d, in that He loves us and does not
       different respects.                   ing: “I have stopped you with Me, like   want to see us go. It actually is a sepa-
                                             a king who invited his sons to a meal
       In Pesikta deRav Kahana (28), Rav Alex-  for a certain number of days. When the   rate day – a day that celebrates our close
       andri says that by using extra letters in   time came to part, he asked his children,   bond with G-d as His chosen, beloved
       the pesukim regarding the sacrifices of   ‘Please stay with me one more day, ה ֶ ׁש ָ ק   people. ם ֶ כ ְ ת ַ ד ֵ ר ְּ פ י ַ ל ָ ע ה ֶ ׁש ָ ק highlights a dif-
       each day of Sukkot,  G-d hints to Am   ם ֶ כ ְ ת ַ ד ֵ ר ְּ פ י ַ ל ָ ע – your departure is difficult   ferent quality to our relationship with
       Yisrael to pray for rain. After Sukkot   for me.’” All of Sukkot is a holiday for   G-d, one not previously emphasized.
       passes and we still have not taken the   G-d to enjoy with His children, the   Hence it does not simply add a day to
       hint, G-d gives us a whole day just to   Jewish people. But as we find when we   Sukkot, but creates a unique day, one
       pray for rain. The special prayer for rain,   say goodbye to our own children, it’s   that deserves its own shehecheyanu, so
       ם ֶ ׁש ֶּג ַ ה ת ַּ ל ִ פ ְּ ת, is in fact recited on Shemini   hard to see them go – so Hashem adds   we can focus on feeling that closeness
       Atzeret. According to this view, Shemini   Shemini Atzeret because it’s so difficult   to G-d, which will keep us going in the
       Atzeret amplifies a theme latent during   for Him to see us go after Sukkot.  winter months ahead.
       Sukkot, and that theme moves to center
       stage on the eighth day.              Let us now return  to our original
                                             question as debated by the Amoraim:
       What are the Sukkot sacrifices? On    Should we recite  shehecheyanu on    1   In Bamidbar 29:29, 33, there are three words
                                                                                      the Midrash identifies as having extra letters:
       each day, we offer bulls on the  miz-  Shemini Atzeret or not? If its main     םטפשמכ  ,היכסנו  ,םהיכסנו. Those extra letters
       beach — 13 on the first day, 12 on    theme is to pray for rain – which we     spell מ-י-מ, water.
       the  second,  11  on  the  third,  and  so   theoretically should have done on
       on. But then the pattern breaks – we   Sukkot – it is debatable whether it
       offer seven bulls on the seventh day   warrants its own  shehecheyanu. One
       of Sukkot, but just one on Shemini    could argue that no new blessing is
       Atzeret. Why? Rabbi Elazar explains   necessary, since rain is a theme that
       that  the 70 bulls offered  over Sukkot   exists on Sukkot through the pouring
       correspond to the 70 nations of the   of the water on the altar and the hints   Rabbanit  Sally  Mayer serves as Rosh
       world, one offered on behalf of each   to pray for rain throughout those days.   Midrasha at Ohr Torah Stone’s Midreshet
       nation. Shemini Atzeret’s sacrifice, of   On the other hand, rain is emphasized   Lindenbaum.

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