Page 34 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 34


                                                                                    Dr. Deena Zimmerman

                         Hiding in the Sukkah

           or the last month, since the      The Ibn Ezra states it is Jerusalem,   Hiding  and  concealing  are  also
           beginning of Elul, we have been   based on the verse “and His  sukkah   concepts with dual meaning. Both sins
      Freciting Psalm 27 –  י ִ רֹוא 'ה  ד ִ ו ָ ד ְ ל   will be in Shalem (one of the names   such as idol worship (see Devarim 13:7
       י ִ עׁ ְ שִי ְ ו – on a daily basis. We will con-  of Jerusalem) and His dwelling in   and 27:15) and actions of which one
       tinue to do so until Shemini Atzeret   Zion”  (Psalms  76:3).  Rashi  narrows   is ashamed are associated with hiding
       the very end of the Sukkot holiday.   the area down specifically to the Beit   (see Devarim 27:24). On the other
       The practice first appeared in the    HaMikdash. He ties it to a historical
       prayer book of Rabbi Marskov, a disci-  event, where Yoash, the son of     hand, a hidden place is described as
       ple of the Ba’al Shem Tov and in hala-  Achaziah,  was  in  fact  hidden  in  the   the dwelling place of Hashem (Psalms
       chic works such as the Mateh Ephraim   Temple for six years to save him from   91:1).
       by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margulies     the  wrath  of  Atalia,  the  queen  who   Such double meaning is appropriate
       (1762-1828).                          succeeded  in  killing  the  remaining   for such confusing times. Perhaps we

       Elements of this psalm are reminis-   royal children. Other commentaries   can  learn from  them  that  all  things
       cent of the themes of this time of the   look  at the phrase as  a more  general   that seem bad may, perhaps, have
       year. For example, the Midrash (Tehil-  one  referring  to  G-d’s  protection,   a good side to them. Alongside the
       lim 27:4) writes: “Our Sages have     similar to the opinion of Rabbi      damage of this pandemic to lives and
       explained the verse as related to Rosh   Eliezer (Sukkah 11b and codified in   livelihoods, there have been areas
       Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  י ִ רֹוא (my   the Shulchan Aruch) as to why we sit   of growth as well. And even if the
       light) – on Rosh Hashanah which is    in  sukkot, i.e. to remind us of G-d’s   situation is truly bad, G-d is there to
       the Day of Judgement as it states “and   protection via the “clouds of glory”   protect us from it being even worse.
       let your justice and judgment shine   (ananei haKavod).
       forth like the midday sun” (Psalms                                         Therefore, the image of G-d protecting
       37:6), that He will save us and forgive   When does G-d conceal us in His   us during such troubling times is one
       us, and  י ִ עׁ ְ שִי (my salvation) on Yom   sukkah? ה ָ ע ָ ר םֹוי ְּ ב. A simple translation   worth repeating twice daily as we
       Kippur, that He will save us and for-  would  be  “on  a  bad  day,”  but  it can   approach the holiday of Sukkot. If
       give all our sins.                    also mean a day of bad as in a “day of   this Sukkot we will be “hiding” in our
                                             trouble.” I feel it is likely that over the   sukkah with just our immediate family,
       Yet another hint is found in the      last  six months, people  have felt it  is   may we hope that next year we can all
       mention of “sukkah” in verse five: “For   one ה ָ ע ָ ר םֹוי after another in light of the   celebrate in G-d’s Sukkah of Jerusalem
       on the day of trouble He will conceal   ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. How-
       me in  His  sukkah;  He  will  hide me in                                  and the Beit HaMikdash.
       the shelter of His tent and set me high   ever, in Yirmiyahu (17:17–18, 51:2),
       upon a rock.”                         the phrase has a positive connotation.
                                             It is when punishment will be brought   Dr. Deena Zimmerman is a pediatrician
       Let us look at this verse in greater   down on evildoers and thus it is actu-  and Director of, a website for
       detail. First of all, what is this sukkah?   ally a good day if you are righteous.   women’s health and halacha.

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