Page 33 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 33


                                                                                    Mrs. Michal Horowitz

                      The Special Joy of Sukkot

                e are uniquely commanded     G-d is called הנועמ, an abode (Devarim   Hence, we deduce from here that the
                to be  beSimcha, to rejoice   33:27). The only home where man     mitzvah of simchat yomtov on Sukkot
       Wand  to be  happy on  Chag           can find security is in the Ribono Shel   is greater than  the  mitzvah  of taking
       HaSukkot. When the sukkah goes up,    Olam, the Master of the World.” 1    the Arba Minim!
       the decorations adorn its walls, and
       we eagerly move from our permanent    It is this visceral feeling of dwelling   As the world around us today is
       residence to  our temporary  one, we   with G-d that leads to the  simcha of   storming, and life for our nation and
       are enveloped by a natural feeling of   Sukkot.                            our Land  is not easy during turbu-
       excitement and joy. The feelings of   “You shall make the festival of Sukkot   lent times, it is an  avodah  we must
       warmth that permeate our homes and                                         all engage in:  imbuing the  midda  of
       hearts are specific to this festival.   for a seven day period, when you   simcha, and the ability to rejoice, into
                                             gather in from your threshing floor   our very selves.
       Sukkot  reminds us of the Clouds of   and from your wine pit, And you shall
       Glory in which G-d ensconced us       rejoice on your festival…  A seven day   Rabbi Avraham Pam taught that,
       when we left Egypt (Vayikra 23:43),   period shall you celebrate to Hashem,   “Helping others is the formula for a
       and the protection He provides to us   your G-d...  and you shall be  only   life of  simcha. The theme of Sukkot
       in  each  and  every  generation.  This   joyous” (Devarim 16:13-15).      is that one must leave his  permanent
       protection reminds us that our true                                        dwelling – his own mind – and settle
       security  lies  not in the walls of our   Only in regard to Sukkot are we com-  in a temporary dwelling  – thinking
       homes of bricks and stone, but in the   manded to not only  rejoice but to   of the needs of others. In doing so,
       embrace of G-d’s love for us.         doubly  rejoice! Elsewhere, in regard   he will find contentment in his own
                                             to  Sukkot, the Torah commands us    life and will enjoy a year-round zman
      “”         Sukkot reminds              regarding the  mitzvah  objects of the   simchateinu.” 2
                 us of the Clouds of
                                                                                  When we live with the knowledge
                 Glory in which G-d          “And you shall take for yourselves   that G-d is the Source of our simcha,
                                             on the first day the fruit of a tree of
                                                                                  and we care for others as we have
                 ensconced us when           splendor, fronds  of  date  palms,  and   been commanded (Devarim  16:14, as
                 we left Egypt, and          branches of a cordlike tree, and brook   quoted above), we will truly merit a
                 the protection He           willows; and you shall rejoice before   Sukkot of unbridled, pure and holy joy!
                                             Hashem,  your  G-d,  for  a  seven-day
                 provides to us in each      period” (Vayikra 23:40).
                 and every generation.       From  this  pasuk,  Rav  Elimelech  Bie-  1   Chumash Masoret HaRav Shemot p.224-225.

                                             derman learns an important and beau-  2   Rav Pam on the Festivals, ArtScroll, p.55.
       Rabbi J. B. Soloveitchik teaches that   tiful insight. The  mitzvah deOraita
       “Man is basically a homeless being.   (Biblically ordained commandment)
       No matter how large and opulent his   to take the Four Species on Sukkot is
       home, he is exposed. He is subject    a mitzvah only for the first day of the
       to the vicissitudes of life, subject to   chag:  “and you  shall take  for your-
       nature – which at best is indifferent to   selves on the first day…” However, the
       man, at worst is hostile – and subject   mitzvah deOraita  to be  beSimcha, to
       to an inscrutable future. There is only   rejoice and be only happy, is a mitzvah   Mrs. Michal Horowitz teaches Judaic
       one  home  where  man  gains  security:   for all seven days of the chag!   Studies classes to adults of all ages.

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