Page 39 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 39

Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky

       The “Flimsy” Davidic Dynasty?

              n Sukkot, an enigmatic line is   not that people were not familiar with   A sukkah is easily knocked down, but
              added near the end of Birkat   the verse from Amos. It was used, and   owing to its inherently flimsy nature,
      OHaMazon:  ּונ ָ ל  םי ִ קָי  אּוה  ן ָ מ ֲ ח ָ ר ַ ה   continues to be used, poetically in   it is considered the same sukkah when
       ת ֶ ל ֶ פֹוּנ ַ ה ד ִ ו ּ ָ ד ת ַּ כ ֻ ס ת ֶ א – may the Merciful   rabbinic literature. 2  rebuilt. Such is the way with the Jewish
       One restore the fallen sukkah of David.                                    people and with the Davidic dynasty
       While this short prayer has become a   The phrase from Amos did enter the   – they have been blown around and
       popular song, its meaning and place in   liturgy in about the 12th century in a   knocked down by the vicissitudes of
       the Sukkot liturgy is far from clear.  context not connected to Sukkot – and   history, but they are rebuilt.
                                             seemingly later falling into disuse – in
       The origin of the phrase is Amos      an Ashkenazi Motzei Shabbat  piyut   The rebuilt  country  of Israel in the
       9:11, part of Amos’ glorious epilogue   recently printed from manuscript (by   Land of Israel is not a new entity, but
       of hope depicting the golden End of   Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Stal in a Torah   rather a continuation of the previous
       Days. The prophecy speaks of G-d      journal called Segula vol. 14, Tammuz   “sukkah” that stood here. So too, when
       raising up  Sukkat David, closing     5780).                               the Gemara (Sanhedrin 96b) says
       up its breaches, raising up its  ruins,                                    the verse in Amos is referencing the
       and building it like in the good old   The earliest mention  of reciting   Mashiach, it will not be a new dynasty,
       days. The prophecy continues (v.      this  HaRachaman on Sukkot seems     but a restoration of the same Davidic
       13) with the famous image of the      to be the 17  century, when it was   dynasty.
       plowman overtaking the reaper and     mentioned by Rav Jousep Schammes
       the treader of grapes meeting the one   (1604-1678) in his book of customs   The inclusion of this request based
       who  plants seeds,  and  the mountains   of  the  Worms  community  and  by   on the verse from Amos specifically
       dripping with sweet wine. Truly a     Rav  Eliyahu  Spira  (1660–1712)  in  his   on Sukkot  may be related to  its
       beautiful vision, but it is not clear   Eliyahu Rabbah. Neither of these early   immediately following Yom Kippur.
       what the hapax legomenon  “Sukkat     sources provides an explanation as to   The Davidic dynasty endures because
       David” refers to. Most traditional    the connection between the  Sukkat   King David – unlike King  Shaul –
       commentators assume it refers to the   David and the holiday of Sukkot. The   was  able to admit  he sinned and
       Davidic dynasty’s rule over a united   parsimonious explanation is simply   repented. Having just come through
       kingdom, as Amos was prophesying      the appearance of the word “sukkah”   Yom Kippur, we as a nation are saying
       when  there  was a  divided  kingdom   in  the  eschatological  verse and hence   to G-d that we can emulate King
       while the Temple still stood in       its easy integration and acceptance in   David in that regard, and therefore
       Jerusalem and the Ten Tribes had      the Sukkot liturgy.                  are  deserving  to  have  his  dynasty,
       not yet been exiled. Nonetheless,                                          the  Sukkat David, and the Temple,
       others interpret the phrase as        Rav Yehuda Amital, in explaining     restored in our renewed country.
       referring variously to the Mikdash,   the Maharal, says that in general a
       Yerushalayim, or the Shechina.        monarchy is termed  bayit, as in  beit
                                             David, owing to its strength. But a   1   A term of which only one instance of use is
       Irrespective of its original intent   house has an additional characteristic.   recorded.
       is the question of how and why it     If it falls down and is rebuilt it is no   2   For example, the 11th-century Machzor
                                                                                      Vitry, when  mentioning  Tisha  B’Av,  invokes
       entered the Sukkot liturgy. The list   longer the same entity. If one makes    this optimistic verse from Amos. Similarly,
       of “HaRachamans” that we say at       a vow to not benefit from a house, if    the 15th century Leket Yosher concludes his
       the conclusion of  Birkat HaMazon     that house falls down and is rebuilt     introduction with this verse of optimism.
       are post-Talmudic, first appearing in   the person may benefit, as it is now
       the Rishonim period. Yet the Sukkot   a new house (Ran, Nedarim 7a).       Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky is a Professor of
       addition was still not included. It is   Conceptually, a  sukkah is different.   Neuroscience and a tour guide in Ir David.
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