Page 42 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 42


                                                                                  Rabbi Johnny Solomon

              Renewing our Faith

           ukkot is the festival of faith, and   demonstrate the intentionality of   comparable to a solid house, and faith
           by leaving our homes and dwell-   using it for the mitzvah, this is not an   is not ‘watertight.’ Instead, faith is
      Sing in a sukkah under the natural     absolute requirement. In light of this   like a  sukkah whose test of strength
       s’chach, we demonstrate our faith in   debate, common practice is to shake   is whether it can stay standing in
       G-d. In fact, the  Zohar (Emor 103a)   or momentarily lift a small section of   response to a הָיּוצ ְ מ  ַ חּור (literally, ‘a typ-
       actually refers to the s’chach’s shade as   ‘old’ s’chach as an act of renewal.  ical wind,’ but which also translates as
       אתונמיהמד אליצ – the protective shade                                      ‘the current spirit of the times’),  and
       of faith. With this in mind, I would like   While  s’chach – which reminds us of   whose roof – which represents the
       to explore one of the  halachot of the   how G-d protected  Bnei Yisrael as   protective shade of faith – can protect
       s’chach,  and  thereby  consider  how  we   they journeyed through the wilder-  its inhabitants notwithstanding the
       should relate to our faith.           ness, and whose shade represents the   fact it is both fragile and porous to the
                                             protective shade of faith – can techni-  elements.
       The Mishna (Sukkot 1:1, 9a) presents   cally fulfill its function as a  reminder
       a disagreement regarding the halachic   of faith even if it has been sitting on   Just like the  s’chach is shaken or
       validity of a  sukkah yeshana (literally,   a  sukkah for more than 30 days, its   momentarily  lifted  as an  act  of
       an old  sukkah) – a  sukkah on which   long-term presence can often mean we   renewal, our faith can be renewed
       s’chach  has sat for over 30 days and   forget its core message. Consequently,   either when we have undergone a chal-
       which had not expressly been placed   we are required (according to some),   lenging experience that has ‘shaken’
       there  for  the sake  of the upcoming   and strongly encouraged (according   us,  or  been  through  an  experience
       Sukkot festival. According to Beit    to others), to perform a renewal act on   that has ‘lifted’ us. And why? Because
       Shammai, this ‘old’  s’chach is invalid   the s’chach to ensure we haven’t forgot-  by having either of these experiences,
       and must be renewed, while Beit Hillel   ten what the s’chach is meant to teach   we are reminded that faith is not
       permits the use of ‘old’ s’chach.     us spiritually.                      something that is fixed but is, instead,
                                                                                  something that can be moved and
       However, while we follow the position   Just as ‘old’  s’chach  needs a renewal   renewed.
       of Beit Hillel, the Yerushalmi (Sukkah   act to help us remember its function
       1:2, 4b) stipulates that some minor act   and message, so people of faith can   And this is why, if your sukkah has had
       of תּו ׁש ְ ּ ד ַ ח ְ ת ִ ה (renewal) must still be per-  at times forget what it means to have   s’chach on its roof for over 30 days,
       formed on a small section of the ‘old’   faith,  because  anything  perpetually   you need to move it. By doing so, it
       s’chach.                              present in our lives runs the risk of us   will remind you that true faith must be
                                             taking it for granted and forgetting its   something that moves you too.
       Admittedly, this requirement is not   core message.
       evident from the conclusion in the
       Gemara,  and  hence  the  Rambam  and   So, while we shake or momentarily lift   1   Rav Yehudai Gaon (as cited in the Shibolei
       the Rif make no reference to perform-  up a small part of the s’chach as an act   HaLeket Ch. 337), Tosfot (Sukkah 9a), Rosh
       ing any renewal act on ‘old’  s’chach.   of renewal, what sort of renewal act   (Sukkah 1:13), Tur (Orach Chaim 636), Shul-
                                                                                      chan Aruch (Orach Chaim 636:1).
       However, there are other authori-     should we be performing on our own   2   Meiri (on Sukkah 9a), Ran (on Sukkah 9a),
       ties  who state that the Yerushalmi’s   faith?                                 Ritva  (Sukkah  2a),  Magen  Avraham  (OC
       demand  ר ָ ב ָ ּ ד  ּ ה ָּ ב   ׁש ֵ ּ ד ַ ח ְ ל  – to renew an                636:1), Mishna Berura (OC 636:4).
       element of [the s’chach] – is an abso-  Faith, like  s’chach, is often fragile.   3   Sukkah 24b.
       lute requirement.                     Faith, like  s’chach, is always porous.
                                             The mistake we sometimes make is     Rav Johnny Solomon teaches at seminaries
       Finally, there is an opinion  that    viewing faith as if it was a solid con-  in Yerushalayim and writes Jewish educa-
       while a renewal act should,  lechatch-  crete  building  with  a  watertight  roof.   tional content for schools and organizations
       ila, be performed on ‘old’  s’chach to   But this is a misnomer. Faith is not   around the world.

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