Page 47 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 47


                                                                                   Rabbi Jesse Horn

                    What is Special about

                         Simcha on Sukkot?

                hile two of the three pilgrim-  each can help us develop a theory   locations on the first day, and specifi-
                age holidays have a special   to  explain  Sukkot’s  ‘simchatic’   cally in the Beit HaMikdash, where we
       Wand distinctive theme,               uniqueness.                          raise it on all seven days (on a Biblical
       Sukkot, seemingly, does not. Pesach’s is                                   level). The  arba minim, plants that
       cherut (freedom) and Shavuot’s is Matan   How does one fulfill the  mitzvah of   embody the successful harvest, are
       Torah (the giving of the Torah), each of   simcha on Jewish  holidays? For  men,   used in religious practice – to serve
       which defines the holiday and articulates   it’s drinking wine and eating meat; for   G-d.
       their distinctiveness. Yet Sukkot’s theme   women, it’s buying new clothing, etc.
       is simcha (happiness), which is an ele-  Each person should be involved with   While the goal of the classic  simcha
       ment also found on the other holidays.   what they themselves enjoy (Pesachim   (the one existent in all three holidays),
       Why does Sukkot not receive its own   109a). The goal seems to be to increase   is to generate personal and national
       unique motif?                         people’s happiness through engaging   happiness and rejoice in expansive
                                             in activities that give them joy.    fashion, Sukkot’s simcha is fundamen-
       Perhaps one may suggest that Sukkot   By contrast, the  simcha  of Sukkot   tally different. Because the  chag itself
       has  quantitatively  more  simcha.    is accomplished differently. Taking   carries a preexisting simcha, the Torah
       Although there is nothing unique to   the  lulav  in  the  Beit  HaMikdash is   aims at now raising that  simcha to a
       Sukkot, it does have more simcha than   described by the Torah as םתחמשו, and   higher level and focusing it towards
       the other holidays. As the Rambam     be happy (Vayikra 23:40). Moreover,   G-d.
       says, Sukkot has “excess happiness”   the  Simchat  Beit  HaShoeva  (Sukkot
       (Lulav 8:12).                         water-drawing festival) took place in   We express our innate happiness in an
                                                                                  appropriate spiritual way, through sin-
       Alternatively,  the  simcha  on Sukkot   the Beit HaMikdash as well.       cere religious experience.
       could be qualitatively different from   The Sefer HaChinuch (Mitzvah 324)
       the  simcha  on  the  other  holidays.  In   claims that this time of year is a time   This  lesson  is  not  just  important  for
       other words, there are two models     when people are naturally happy. After   Sukkot, but for life in general. One
       of  simcha.  One  is  the  classic  model,   all, it’s the harvest season, when farm-  should direct and elevate one’s nat-
       contained within Pesach, Shavuot and   ers  rejoice  with  the  fruits  of  a  year’s   ural emotions and feelings in a way
       Sukkot, and the other is a singular   hard work.  Furthermore, being spiri-  that can better serve G-d and bring us
       model unique to Sukkot, similar to the   tually cleansed after Yom Kippur adds   closer to Him. And that, in turn, leads
       way  cherut characterizes Pesach and   to that feeling of joy.             to even greater simcha.
       Matan Torah Shavuot.                                                       Rabbi Jesse  Horn is a Senior Ra”m (Rosh
                                             The goal of Sukkot is to take that hap-  Metivta) at Yeshivat Hakotel and director of
       What are these two models? Perhaps    piness and channel it towards G-d,   the Mizrachi/Yeshivat Hakotel Mechanchim
       examining the different  halachot of   wherever we are. We raise a lulav in all   program.

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