Page 48 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 48


                     Hoshanot Prayers

                          oshanot are the special prayers recited    obligations to remember and to keep Shab-
                    Heach day of Sukkot while holding the            bat, the 2,000-cubit Shabbat boundary,
                     lulav and etrog. The name comes from the        the special Shabbat food and clothes, two
                     refrain of אָנ ע ׁ ַ שֹוה, meaning “please save.”   loaves of bread at each meal, and more.
                     The Mishnah (Sukkah 4:5) describes how          (On Shabbat, we do not carry a lulav and
                     on each day of Sukkot, the kohanim would        etrog or circle the bimah.)
                     lead the people in a circle around the miz-
                     beach reciting אָנּ ה ָ עיִשׁוֹה and on the seventh   ך ָּֽ ת ִ מ ֲ א ן ַ עַֽ מ ְ ל – This hoshanah refers to G-d’s
                     day of Sukkot – Hoshanah Rabbah – they          various ‘traits’ – truth, greatness, splendor,
                     would circle seven times. The Midrash           kindness, goodness, unity, power, etc. It
                     describes how we emulate this ceremony          also mentions His covenant and the Beit
                     as a sign we have emerged victorious from       HaMikdash which, while not traits, are still
                     our judgment on Yom Kippur, just five days      relevant to the holiday.
                                                                     י ִ עּו ׁש ךֹר ֱ ע ֶ א – The theme of this hoshanah is
                     The hoshanot were composed by the great         that we should arrange our prayers in ad-
                     liturgical poet Rabbi Elazar HaKalir and        vance, rather than wait till times of trouble.
                     are, for the most part, arranged according      This prayer references the recently-com-
                     to the aleph-bet. Each day, one hoshanah is     pleted Yamim Noraim.
                     read with seven being read on Hoshanah
                     Rabbah. Each hoshanah has its own theme.        הָּֽי ִ ת ׁ ְ ש ן ֶ ב ֶֽ א – This hoshanah mentions
                     Unlike most prayers, the order of the           Yerushalayim in general and the Beit Ha-
                     hoshanah varies depending on what day           Mikdash in particular – the foundation
                     of the week Sukkot begins. This year, since     stone, the threshing floor purchased for the
                     Sukkot begins on Shabbat, the order is as       land upon which to build the Beit HaMik-
                     follows:                                        dash, the trees imported from Lebanon to
                                                                     make panels, etc. Salem refers to the name
                     ה ָֽ רּוצְנ ם ֽ ֹא – This hoshanah is recited on   of Yerushalayim until the times of Avraham
                     Shabbat and its theme is Shabbat – the          Avinu, while Zion is the Temple Mount.

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