Page 51 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 51


                                                                                       Barnea Levi Selavan
                           Four Trips

             for Chol HaMoed

             he growing crescendo – mourn-   new discoveries. The visitors center   Rabin parks, historical sites such as
             ing and grappling with reality   stocks refreshments, local crafts   Tel Azekah and Elah Fortress-Khirbet
      Ton 17 Tammuz and Tisha B’Av,          including musical instruments and    Qeiyafa, and is chock full of wineries –
       the closeness of Elul, the stark truth of   jewelry, wines, olive oil and books.   nearly 40 – and breweries.
       Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and     Ancient Shiloh is an enchanting and
       then this national explosion of joy  –     engaging experience for the whole              d d d
       Sukkot in Israel. A nation celebrating   family.
       countrywide, with families out in their                                    Before setting out, check online for the
       thousands at mountains, valleys and   The Benjamin region, with many       tourism departments of regional coun-
       water sites.                          springs, open nature parks and Biblical   cils and cities, Facebook, etc (and for
                                             and historical landmarks, is studded   those of you staying in, this is a great
       While this year we may not be able to   with ancient craft installations, shep-  opportunity to virtually explore the
       explore beautiful Israel landscapes, I   herds and their cheese products and   wonders of Eretz Yisrael).
       would like to share with you my four   amazing hilltop views.
       favorite  Sukkot  spots,  in  the  hope                                    Those of us fortunate enough to be in
       we will all be able to visit them again   4.  Susiya. This ancient city comes   Israel now  will never  forget 5780. As
       soon.                                 to life with crafts above and under-  in ancient times, we pray that Dias-
                                             ground, and street actors. The remark-  pora Jews will join us here, thus we
       1.  Neot  Kedumim  Biblical  Nature   able shul on top of the hill, olive and
       Reserve. The main attraction here are   grape presses, the streets and town   delay the request for rain – ר ָ ט ָ מּו ל ַ ט ן ֵ ת ְ ו
       the live displays of the Mishna’s range   built to Mishnaic specifications –   – until 7 Cheshvan, so you can make
       of kosher and non-kosher  sukkot –    because they’re from that time! And   it home before the mighty Euphrates
       e.g., super-high, low, on a boat, etc.   that’s not all.  Go walk in the secret...   swells from the rain.
       The reserve also teaches visitors about   In the visitors center ask to see the
       the Four Species, the Seven Species,   ”old” movie, and pick up local food,   May we merit a healthy, sweet joyous
       and how nature, Tanach and Chazal     cosmetic and artistic products. They   holiday and share that joy with those
       are all intertwined.                  also serve excellent coffee!         who sorely need it at this time.
       2. Ancient Shomron. This is the site                d d d
       of the last capital of the Israelite king-
       dom, where Eliyahu and Elisha faced   For those who want to explore even
       off with kings like Achav and Omri    further,  I suggest  checking  out  Yatir
       and the remnants of Achav’s palace    and Mateh Yehuda.
       are clearly visible. The Maccabees beat
       the Greek army here, and Herod later   While lesser-known to English-speak-
       developed Sebastia. The army safe-    ers, the Yatir region hosts expansive
       guards the roads and site so the public   forests  and  ancient  sites  such  as  Tel
       can visit.                            Arad, many smaller sites, and a world
                                             of fruits, wines and other local prod-
       3.  Ancient Shiloh. The site of the   ucts. Last Sukkot they had hot-air bal-
       Mishkan (before it was moved to       looning and rappelling from a crane-
       Yerushalayim) offers many craft activ-  lifted aerial porch.
       ities, rides  and  nearby  springs.  The                                   Barnea Levi Selavan offers live and
       amazing archaeological section boasts   The Mateh Yehuda region features   recorded tours and lectures for communi-
       several multimedia presentations and   the Adulam, Britania, Begin and     ties and families.

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