Page 56 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 56


                                                                                    Rabbi Chaim Navon

          Celebrity for a Moment – The Echo of the Sukkah

            rev Sukkot 1997. 3 pm.  Moise    Sukkot is ףי ִ ס ָ א ָ ה ג ַ ח, the time when the   him and whisper in his ear: “Remember
            Amsalem of Montreal hears a      farmers gather in their produce. Such a   death… Thus passes worldly glory.”
      Eknock on the door. It’s a court       time is naturally accompanied by a sense
       clerk with a summons for urgent legal   of joy and satisfaction. After a whole   This is what Kohelet teaches us too. The
       proceedings. The Building Committee   year of hard work, the farmer finally   King of Jerusalem repeatedly tells us, ל ּ ֹכ ַ ה
       had issued a complaint against Moise,   sees blessing in his efforts. He can spend   ל ֶ ב ָ ה – everything is vanity. ל ֶ ב ָ ה is also the
       demanding he immediately dismantles   time at home now and literally enjoy the   breath that comes out of our mouths,
       the sukkah he just built on his balcony.   fruits of his labors. It is precisely at this   which of course dissipates very quickly…
                                             time the Torah teaches us to leave our   as does our entire life.
       The residents, many of whom were      beautiful homes for a week and live in   “Yesterday I was but a drop of sperm,”
       Muslims, argued that the building’s con-  a shaky shack.                   said Marcus Aurelius, “And tomorrow I
       stitution forbade such a structure and                                     will be a pile of dust.”
       that it damages the building’s esthetic   Because stability, abundance and secu-
       appearance and lowers the value of the   rity are only an illusion.        Some people would learn from this that
       apartments.                           We are all mortal. Anything we build,   life has no value, but Kohelet’s conclu-
                                             anything we obtain or achieve, is all   sion is different: “The sum of the matter,
       So a few hours before chag, Moise finds                                    when all is said and done, is to fear G-d
       himself in court. The judge on duty   transient and temporary.             and keep His commandments, for that
       seemingly understood what was hap-    A father asked his son what he wanted   is Man’s sole duty.” One can live a life
       pening and postponed the case for a few   to be when he grew up. “A mega-star,”   of value, if one foregoes the pretension
       days, which of course made the whole   said the boy. Among all the dreams a   of living forever, and endows his or her
       thing redundant. Moise took down his   person can have, this is perhaps the   life with meaning here and now, as our
       sukkah at the end of the chag and case   most pathetic. However, one could say,   G-d taught us.
       closed.                               perhaps, that this dream is a weird vari-  Even if our sukkah only stands for a
                                             ation of the ancient human dream of
       Or so he thought. The next year, Moise’s   immortality.                    week, we will build it with care and
       neighbors issued a lawsuit well before                                     beauty. We will hang colored chains even
       Sukkot, and the case went through a   Even if we all die someday; even if our   if we fear – or perhaps hope – the rain
       number of courts before ending up in   stay here is temporary, surely our name   will destroy them. And if necessary, like
       the Canadian Supreme Court. There,    and fame will remain for eternity?   Moise Amsalem, we will fight for our
       in 2004, the judges ruled that Amsa-  Well no. I was once asked in an inter-  right to build our temporary structure.
       lem’s religious freedom overrode his   view how I want to be remembered in   A person’s life, deeds and name do not
       neighbor’s objections, and allowed him   100 years’ time. I said no-one would   last forever, but they can reverberate
       to build a sukkah on his own balcony.   remember me in 100 years’ time, apart   through eternity if we instill them with
       Inter alia, the judges noted that the   from my great-grandchildren perhaps,   meaning and value.
       temporary structure is only up for one   if I manage to be a particularly good
       week a year, it is not really a nuisance   human being.                    Then this flash of lightning that is our
       and neither does it lower the value of                                     life will fully illuminate for one short
       the apartments.                       Even if we become celebrities or mega-  moment, and what more can we ask for?
                                             stars for a moment, our names and fame   No-one will remember us down here
       Indeed, the  sukkah is transient in   will disappear like a dream in the night.   in another 100 years, but some-One in
       essence, a יא ַ ר ֲ ע ת ַ רי ִ ּ ד, a temporary dwell-  In ancient Rome, when a victorious   Heaven will remember us forever.
       ing. And this is also the spiritual mes-  general marched proudly through the   Rabbi Chaim Navon is a renowned author
       sage of the chag itself.              city streets, a slave would march beside   and educator.

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