Page 61 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 61

Leaders in Abu Dhabi, in Jerusalem
                                                                         over     and    Washington    who     were
                                                                       t im e     courageous enough to pursue the
                                                                  all  parties    Abraham Accords are worthy of
                                                             can learn lessons    universal   commendation,     and
                                                       from one other.            profound   gratitude.  The   word
                                                                                  ‘historic’ is loosely tossed around –
                                             The business potential of Israel-    this accomplishment will stand the
                                            UAE    relations  has   staggering    test of time and prove to be one of
                                            ramifications which will  become      the most impactful regional events
                        indistinguishable   apparent   very  quickly.  Today,     of the era. One hopes it will pave the
                    to those on the slopes   commercial  tickets  for   direct    way for fruitful relations between
            of Utah. Catching the current   flights just weeks from now became    Israel and many other countries.
      outdoor temperature on my watch –     available. However, even as I
      106 Fahrenheit (41 c) – I spent a few   followed the enthusiasm in the press   The evening before I departed, I was
      minutes watching bundled-up skiers    and social media in recent weeks,     part of a large group that gathered
      make their way down the hill.         nothing could have prepared me        at a restaurant attached to a luxury
                                            for  the depth and genuineness  that   hotel. Even though I did not get the
      Of course, as impressive as my        repeated across  the conversations    full culinary experience (because I
      trip was, UAE lacks some critical     I had. Or the gutra-clad property     keep kosher), it would not surprise
      features that are taken for granted in   owner who enthused about the       me to find the establishment on a list
      Israel and America. Only a minority   kosher kitchen they’d installed to    of the world’s best restaurants, even
      of residents are Emirati nationals.   accommodate future guests. (In fact,   based solely on the level of service.
      When one of my interlocutors          we landed back in Israel to the news
      pointed out a policy change that      that UAE is insisting its hotels make   Shortly  after  came  the  most
      opened up an opportunity, I probed    kosher food available.)               memorable moment of the visit
      as to how policy got changed. He                                            when Ahmad with whom I was in
      seemed almost puzzled by the          Another meeting, scheduled for an     conversation,  checked  his  phone
      question, then smiled and just        hour, extended to more than twice     and I checked mine. We had both
      indicated that it’s all up to the     that length, with deep discussions    received news alerts from outlets in
      leaders. When an Israeli journalist   on history, religion, philosophy and   our respective countries. My alert
      asked his guide last week how the     politics. At one point, my new friend   read “Israel, UAE to sign deal at
      people felt about peace with Israel,   squinted at me and sought assurance   White House on September 15 —
      she responded: “We follow our         that  if Joe Biden became  President,   US officials.” We raised our mojitos
      leaders. Whatever they decide we      he would not race to reenter the      (mine alcoholic, his not) to toast the
      support, blindly.”                    JCPOA, the so-called Iran nuclear     moment. And history did indeed
                                            deal which, quite clearly, looks no
      Accustomed as so many of us           less dangerous  to  Emiratis  than it   seem to be in the air.
      are  to  enduring  the  cynicism  and   does to most Israelis.              As we approach the final quarter
      hypocrisy with which much of                                                of 2020, the year itself has already
      the world treats Israel, I am more    Yes, dealing with the mutual urgent   become a punchline of infamy. But
      reluctant to pass judgment on these   threat of Iran undoubtedly helped     life is nothing if not paradoxical.
      bases than I might have been years    bring us together, and is an issue    And this week gave me hope that
      ago. Bright-eyed idealism has a       on  which  we  are  compelled  to
      place, but to condition all relations   cooperate. But less than 48-hours   2020 may also be recalled as the year
                                                                                  the promise of peace in the Middle
      on  a  Jeffersonian  ideal  would be   on the ground made clear to me that
      impractical and counterproductive.    relations between our countries are   East at long last became a reality.
      My instinct, instead, was to build    going to be about more than shared    Inshallah.
      relationships with individuals  based   security interests and even more    Michael Granoff emigrated to Israel in
      on mutual respect, and hope that      than mutual economic exchange.        2013 with his wife and four children.

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