Page 62 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 62
Rabbi Benji Levy
Finding Happiness
in Corona Times
ilestones and smachot have to be celebrated, surely there are more The celebration of water during the fes-
looked very different in recent precious liquids such as: ‘wine that glad- tival of Sukkot is the ‘extraordinarifica-
Mmonths. Leading up to these dens the heart of man’ or ‘oil that makes tion’ of the ordinary – the celebration of
special occasions, many people are dis- his face shine…’ (Psalms 104:15) Other the moments between the milestones,
appointed the event will look very differ- liquids such as these were used many slowing down the periods in our life that
ent to how it looked in their dreams. And times in Temple offerings – why is the we often fast-forward. Giving birth is
yet after the event, many have shared essence of joy associated with the most incredible, but this pales in comparison
that it didn’t dampen their simcha at all. basic of liquids? with the potential life to be lived – we
I believe that an ancient ritual commem- should rejoice at a wedding, but even
orated on Sukkot can help us appreciate Life is filled with many milestones. more in the resulting marriage. Per-
not just these more modest milestones, Signposted by events such as birthdays, haps Sukkot is the ‘time of our rejoic-
but perhaps even the quieter moments bar/bat mitzvahs, engagements, wed- ing’ because after the inspiration of the
we have been experiencing in between. dings, graduations, reunions and other High Holidays it celebrates the simplic-
festivities, we always celebrate the big ity of nature through the Four Species
The Talmud (Sukkah 51a) states: ‘who- moments and are excited by the irregu-
ever did not see the joyous water-draw- and sukkot.
ing celebrations, never saw joy in his lar excitement of such events. However, This idea is highlighted in the ultimate
if our joy is only acknowledged at these
life.’ While there were elaborate fes- collective celebration of the year revolv-
tivities, the essence of this celebration times, the humdrum regularity of the ing around the most elementary liquid.
revolved around a ceremony which majority of life becomes but an intermis-
involved drawing ‘from the wells of sion between the highlights. The oft-un- Thus perhaps the statement of the Mish-
salvation’ (Isaiah 12:3) in the heart of noticed periods between are where we nah that: ‘whoever did not see the joyous
the City of David and bringing these spend most of our life and it would be water-drawing celebrations, never saw
waters to appeal for a bountiful season sad to allow these intervals to remain joy in his life’ is to be taken literally. If
of rain. While this ceremony appears out of focus. Whereas oil and wine are one only experiences joy on the islands
strange, the question begs as to why it luxuries, water is a necessity. The former of happy occasions and special events,
is the ultimate symbol of joy? Surely are artificial stimuli usually reserved for one will never experience true joy in the
there are other milestones in one’s life special occasions, while the latter is part mundane yet miraculous ocean of life.
where joy is experienced on a deeper and parcel of every liquid for every living
level than the libations of the plainest being. Corona has brought this message
liquid – water? Moreover, if libations are into greater focus. Rabbi Benji Levy is CEO of Mosaic United.
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