Page 59 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 59


 Rabbi Elisha Aviner                                                             Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

              The Key to a Successful Marriage

                hat’s the biggest cause of
                divorce today? If you were
       Wto ask a group of your friends
       to list the biggest cause of divorce
       today, you would probably get a string
       of answers: money, children, religion,

       Interestingly, none of them are true.

       While any one of these may create fric-
       tion in a relationship, none of them are   she wants to send the children to a   always plenty of people who are older
       significant causes of divorce. The one   chassidishe school, and he wants them   and wiser to guide them.
       and only leading cause of divorce today   brought up Litvishe, the solution isn’t for   A big part of a happy marriage is real-
       is fighting.                         the kids to grow payot just on one side.   izing there are many things that won’t
                                            Or if he wants to have at least a dozen
       Now you may say, “Well, isn’t that obvi-  kids, and she feels that four is about all   go the way I want. And it’s not because
       ous? Of course couples breaking up are   she can handle, there is no solution that   my spouse is mean or selfish. It’s not
       going to be fighting. But it’s the issues   will satisfy both of them.     because he always has to have things
       that cause the fights. The issues are the                                  his way. And it’s not that, “We aren’t
       crux of the problem.”                These issues never go away. They      meant for each other.” When you take
                                            remain part and parcel of a couple’s life   two people with independent interests
       But this is a misunderstanding. It’s   throughout their marriage. Yet despite   and values, it’s inevitable there will be
       not the issues that cause fights. It’s   having these types of differences, most   differences.
       how the couple deals with the issues.   couples are able to create a long-stand-
       That defines their relationship. It’s not   ing, harmonious union.         The more a couple works on their bond
       the children, or money, or religion, or                                    of love and affection, the easier these
       in-laws causing the trouble. It’s how   What’s even more eye-opening is that   things become. It’s much easier to give
                                                                                  in to someone I have a deep regard for.
       the couple negotiates their differences   studies show that about a third of the   If husband and wife can learn to have
       over these issues. That determines the   issues couples fight about have no com-  true regard for one another, they will be
       success or the failure of the marriage.   promise position. It’s either your parents’   able to find a way around the issues that

       As an example: Irreconcilable        house for the Seder or mine. We paint   come up. But it still requires work, and
       Differences                          the living room green or blue. Mixing   more importantly, the understanding
                                            the two isn’t an option. Despite these   that “Of course, there will be differences,
       Studies show that 70% of successful,   differences, many couples are able to   and naturally I will have to give in often.”
       long-standing marriages have irrecon-  maintain a loving happy relationship…   That is critical for a happy marriage.
       cilable differences. An irreconcilable dif-  and some aren’t.
       ference refers to a major life issue when
       he wants one thing, she wants another,   Two mature, reasonable people can   Rabbi  Ben  Tzion  Shafier is a veteran
       and there is no possible compromise. If   manage to figure out a way to deal with   educator and noted relationships expert
       he has a thriving business in NYC, and   almost anything that life throws at them.   who served as a high school rebbe for 15
                                                                                  years before creating, a
       for medical reasons, she needs to live in   Sometimes my way, sometimes yours,   popular website that dispenses weekly
       San Diego, there is no middle ground.   but we’re in this together, and we’ll   Torah inspiration to 10,000 people across
       Chicago won’t help either of them. If   figure it out. And if they can’t, there are   the globe.

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