Page 53 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 53


 David M. Weinberg

                                              Under Fire

                ou have less than 72 hours   over  4,200 structures destroyed.    Many of the firefighters left families
                to pack the equipment, get   With no significant precipitation in   and young children at home to make
      “Yyour visas and passports in          sight, California remains dry and    this   life-saving,  property-saving
       order and fly to California. They need   ripe for wildfires.               trip. Not only were they putting
       our help.”                                                                 their lives in danger and away from
                                             Straight into the fires they went,   home for two weeks, they knew that
       This was a first for Israel. The first   after quickly learning procedure   upon their return, they would also
       time the small country had sent a     and strategy from the Cal-Fire       have to spend another two weeks in
       firefighting delegation to help its   (California Department of Forestry   mandatory quarantine. And not just
       powerful ally, the USA, fight fires on   and Fire Protection) team. They   any two weeks, but two weeks of
       American soil.                        gathered all their equipment and     chagim. “Now that all of Israel is in
                                             joined the battle. Due to COVID-     lockdown, it’s like they’re joining us
       10 officers and firefighters from     19, the Israeli delegation joined a   in support, so that makes it feel a bit
       Israel’s Fire and Rescue Services,    capsule of Cal-Fire firefighters and   easier,” Blum added.
       rescue and forest fire experts, and   they worked side by side in 24-hour
       a Foreign Ministry representative,    shifts over the next 12 days.        “While we played just a small role in
       recently returned to Israel from                                           saving forest lands in Sacramento,
       Sacramento, California, where they    “We really felt the importance of    it was extremely heartwarming to
       assisted local forces in battling a   our Jewish identity in California,”   see firefighters from all around the
       wave of wildfires sweeping through    said Edgar Blum, one of the Israeli   world  – especially  Israel  and  the
       the area.                             firefighters. “The Jewish Agency and   USA – joining forces and working
                                             the consulate ensured we had kosher   together to save lives, forests and
       Since the beginning of the year,      food, we recited kiddush on Friday   property.  To  see  the  humanity  in
       there have been nearly 7,900          night and met with the Jewish mayor   helping  those  who  needed  to  be
       wildfires in California, burning over   of Sacramento, who thanked us for   relocated from their homes. This is
       3.3 million acres. Since August 15,   our efforts. It was certainly a proud-  what people are meant to do. Our
       when California’s fires increased,    to-be-Jewish/proud-to-be-Israeli     most important work is coming
       there have been 25 fatalities and     moment.”                             together and helping each other.” n

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