Page 44 - HaMizrachi # 23 Sukkot Simchat Torah 2020 USA
P. 44


                                                                              Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld

           Celebrating Now and Then:

        The Contrasting Messages of Sukkot and Pesach

                hy is it that Pesach – rather   in a hut in the Sinai Desert having just   We do not have to imagine our past to
                than Sukkot – is known       left Egypt is just fine. Why then, if the   feel  the  internal  messages  of  Sukkot.
       Was  the  holiday  when  Jews         Torah goes to such lengths to recreate   We are asked to simply be sensitive
       relive and recreate their past? On    the Sukkot experience of the  midbar,   to our present reality. For sitting in a
       Sukkot, we are commanded to take      does it leave out the clincher? Namely,   sukkah circa 2020 is just the same as
       our furniture out of our house and    our obligation to imagine we are part   sitting in a  sukkah circa 3300 BCE.
       eat and sleep for seven days in a hut   of Klal Yisrael journeying through the   Both cases involve  sitting in a flimsy
       covered only by  s’chach, braving the   desert, as we are obligated to envisage   temporary shelter (יא ַ ר ֲ ע ת ַ רי ִ ּ ד) open to
       elements, just as our ancestors did in   on Pesach?                        the elements, aware of our tenuous
       the desert. The  beraita in Masechet                                       physical existence in  הֶּז ַ ה  ם ָ לֹוע, in this
       Sukkah elaborates and says we must    Pesach and Sukkot evoke very differ-  world, which is ultimately an יא ַ ר ֲ ע ם ַ לֹוע,
       do all of our activities in the  sukkah.   ent internal narratives and empha-  a transient world dependent upon
       The obligation to reenact on Sukkot   size very different types of spiritual   G-d. There is no need for imagination
       is  more  encompassing  in  both time   growth. Pesach is a holiday that   or connecting to a borrowed experi-
       (seven days vs. one for most Pesach   emphasizes a one-time event that     ence from our collective past.
       mitzvot) and scope (all of life’s activi-  cannot and will not ever be duplicated.
       ties vs. just eating). If observed cor-  The  ahava  between  Klal  Yisrael  and   All that is necessary for Sukkot is
       rectly, Sukkot seems to be a far more   G-d expressed on the night of Yetziat   openhearted existential awareness
       intense recreation  of  our  past  history   Mitzrayim was so intense and power-  of the present. It is through that
       than Pesach. So why all the fanfare for   ful that it echoes through time. Once   openness we are to connect to G-d
       Pesach?                               a year, the Torah demands we try our   by embracing our present and the
                                             best to “remember” that special night   ever-present  connection  to  Hashem
       Perhaps the answer can be found by                                         built into the fabric of life. Sukkot
       solving another apparent mystery that   using physical activities to arouse our   represents the timelessness of our
       separates the two  chagim. Concern-   imagination and connect with this    connection to G-d while Pesach is all
       ing Pesach, the Mishna states: “On    moment. We are obligated to do our   about a moment in time.
       this night one is obligated to imagine   best to escape our present reality and
       themselves as if they were personally   go back to a time many years ago. By   LeZecher Nishmat Mrs. Esther Scheinfeld z”l,
       leaving Egypt.” On Seder Night, one   going back and touching that distant   a woman whose personality and love of Torah
                                                                                  and Eretz Yisrael touched and inspired so
       must also bring one’s imagination in   moment  –  albeit  in  our  imagination   many lives. Niftara Rosh Chodesh Elul 5780,
       addition to all the required physical   – we are fulfilling the Avodat HaYom   August 21, 2020.
       items (Pesach, Matzah and Maror).     (the duty of the day)  of feeling the
       Just eating  matzah and  maror, even   echoes of that incomparable event.
       LeShem Mitzvah, would not fulfill     On Sukkot, however, we are not asked
       one’s obligation. Rather, one must use   to leave our present reality at all. The
       one’s imaginative faculties to actually
       envision oneself as if I personally was   powerful recreations of Sukkot are
                                             not meant to jar our imagination and
       leaving Egypt.
                                             transfer us to a distant past. Sukkot
       In contrast, despite the intense      does not demand ה ָ רי ִ כְז, remembrance,
       demands of “living 24/7 in the        but ה ָ עי ִ דְי, knowledge. In fact, the rec-
       sukkah,”  we  are  not  asked  to  use  our   reations  of  Sukkot  are  not  reenact-  Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld is Director of
       imagination.  Eating and sleeping in   ments at all. They are so real they are   Camp Kanfei Nesharim and a high school
       the sukkah without imagining you are   actually reality.                   educator.

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