Page 18 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 18


                                                                          Rabbi Avraham Shapira ל“צז

       Receiving the Torah Anew

                 hag Matan Torah is the     says,  “Were it not for this day, how   every day and at any time, but there is
                 holiday of the Oral Law.   many Yosefs would there be in the     particular significance in repeating it in
                 Of the Torah Sages of      marketplace?” In other words, thanks to   the days leading up to Shavuot.
                 every generation.  Matan   Matan Torah, I am different from your   These are the days in which the light
      CTorah is renewed in  every           regular Yosef, and hence he instituted   of Torah begins to appear, just as at Har
       generation, and the day the Torah was   special foods on Shavuot. But at first   Sinai the light of the Torah began to
       given in the past is a day infused with   glance  it  is  not clear  why  he says  this.   sparkle even before then, and therefore
       the spiritual energies for the Torah to   After all, if it wasn’t for this day, the   we don’t say  Tachanun on these days,
       be given every year. Every year, there is   entire world wouldn’t exist, not only Rav   like the  Rishonim say we don’t say
       a return to what was, and just as Pesach   Yosef.  Rather  we learn  from  here that   Tachanun on Fridays at Mincha, because
       is the time of freedom every year, so   Rav Yosef is not referring to the Giving   the light of Shabbat already begins to
       Shavuot is the time ripe for receiving   of the Torah to the entire world, but   appear before Shabbat actually begins.
       the Torah anew in every generation.   to his private  Kabbalat HaTorah, and   The elevated reality of  Chag and
       When we celebrate Shavuot, we are    hence we learn that everyone has their   Shabbat  begins  before  the  holy  days
       not celebrating an historical event in   own private Kabbalat HaTorah.     themselves.  Therefore, it is  incumbent
       the past but the essence of the day that                                   upon us specifically during these days to
       regenerates itself year after year.  Accepting the yoke of Torah           reinforce our Torah study and the way
        The Yerushalmi  says,  “In all the   The Yerushalmi cited above stresses that   we prepare for Matan Torah.
       korbanot it is written  אטח (sin) and   “since you accepted upon yourselves the   May we merit receiving the Torah
       concerning  Atzeret  (Shavuot)  it  is   yoke of Torah, I consider it as if you have   together  as  a  people,  and  each  of  us
       not  written  אטח.  HaKadosh  Baruch   never ever sinned.” It is not enough to   individually, with awe and fear, love
       Hu said to them, since you accepted   receive Torah, but one must accept the   and joy.
       upon yourselves the yoke of Torah, I   yoke of Torah. The effort, the challenge,
       consider it as if you have never ever   in Torah is the main aspect of the Torah.
       sinned.”  And  the  Korban  HaEida    A person can fulfil the  mitzvah of
       explains that concerning all korbanot it   Talmud Torah in the smallest amount of   1   Rosh Hashanah 4:8
       is written,  תאטחל דחא םיזיע ריעש םתישעו   time, even with one word, but the crux   2   Rabbi David Frankel, 1704-1762
       and concerning Atzeret it is not written   of the Torah, the life of the Torah, is the   3   Shemot 24:7
       תאטחל but just  דחא  םיזיע  ריעש, and   yoke of Torah.                     4   Pesachim 68b
       that’s because “every year on Atzeret is   We learn all this as an introduction   5   Pirkei Avot 2:12
       like the day we stood at Har Sinai and   to Torah, as a preparation. The Torah’s   6   Shemot 19
       received the Torah anew… and therefore   command: “And make yourself fit to   7   According to the start of the chapter there: “In
       there is no  תאטח, no sin, on this day.”   learn Torah,”  is in itself a difficult, deep   the third month to the Exodus of Bnei Yisrael from
       The regenerational reality of  Kabbalat   and complex instruction and one must   the land of Egypt, they came to the Sinai Desert on
       HaTorah every year is what allows a   learn it profoundly just like any other   this day.”
       person’s sins to be atoned for every   piece of Torah.
       year anew. And every time we read the   Before the description of  Matan
       pasuk עמשנו השענ ’ה רבד רשא לכ,  there is   Torah, the Torah describes the people’s
       another, new acceptance of Torah.    preparation across many verses,  and   Rabbi Avraham Shapira zt”l served as the
                                            this section carries eternal lessons. The   Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1983
       For each of us                       preparation for Torah is Torah in itself,   to 1993.  He was also the Rosh Yeshiva of
       This  annual  Kabbalat  HaTorah  is  for   and it needs to be “on this day.”    Merkaz HaRav in Jerusalem. He passed
       each and every one of us. Rav Yosef    There is a need to repeat the exercise   away in 2007.

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