Page 21 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 21


                                                                              Rabbi Hershel Schachter

       Counting the Omer Today

               he Gemara (Menachot 66a)     191;  Divrei Malkiel  3:5), the son of the   a different explanation of the  machloket
               teaches that Ameimar would   Maharam Chalavah cites this opinion in   between Tosafot and the Rambam
               count only the days of the   the name of the Ramban.               (see  Chiddushei HaGrach  al  HaShas,
               Omer, but not the weeks.       The son of the Maharam Chalavah     Menachot 66a, pp. 252-253).
      TAmeimar’s           rationale  was   proceeds to offer an explanation in the   According to the Rambam,  sefira
       that  after  the  destruction  of  the  Beit   name of his father (Imrei Shefer, Vayechi   bazman hazeh  is  deOraita  based
       HaMikdash, we observe Sefirat HaOmer   49:28;   Shitat  HaKadmonim,   Bava   on the halacha that “the original
       only  as  a  zecher  leMikdash,  and  the   Kamma, pp. 334-335). According to the   sanctification  [of Yerushalayim and  the
       counting of days is therefore sufficient.   Ramban,  the  phrase  רמוע תא םכאיבה  םוימ   Beit HaMikdash] sanctified these areas
       The simple explanation of Ameimar’s   הפונתה is not merely an identification   for that time and sanctified them for all
       opinion is that we wish to demonstrate   of  the calendar  day  on which  Sefirat   future time.”
       that the  mitzvah  is incomplete, as the   HaOmer begins.                   The Mishnah in  Eduyot (8:6) teaches
       pasuk links the counting of sefira to the   Rather, the  pasuk  establishes that it is   that for this reason, “we may offer
       Korban Omer, הפונתה רמוע תא םכאיבה םוימ.   the  hakravat haOmer  which causes the   korbanot  [at the  Beit HaMikdash  site]
       Chazal wanted people to realize that we   obligation of  Sefirat HaOmer and not   even though there is no [Sanctuary]
       are missing the full mitzvah because we   the day of the 16th of Nissan. Therefore,   building.” This  is,  in  fact,  how  the
       lack this korban.                    Sefirat HaOmer is, in fact, not a mitzvat   Rambam rules with regard to the current
        Tosafot (s.v.  zecher) maintains that all   asei shehazman grama. Although the   state of kedushat haMikdash; the makom
       of the opinions in the Gemara agree with   day obligates the Korban Omer, it is the   haMikdash  retains  its  kedusha  even
       Ameimar in that  sefira  is  deRabanan  in   korban that, in turn, is the direct cause of   after the  churban haBayit  (Hilchot Beit
       our day; the  machloket  relates only to   Sefirat HaOmer.                 HaBechira 6:14-16).
       whether one must count the weeks in    According   to    the    Ramban’s    Thus, even though we are not able
       addition to the days.                understanding, that the  mechayev  (the   to actually offer the  Korban Omer
        The   Rambam     (Hilchot  Temidin  obligating factor) of  Sefirat HaOmer   nowadays, since there is still a  kedushat
       UMussafin  7:24) disagrees. He rules   is the  Korban Omer, nowadays, in its   makom in the makom haMikdash, there
       like the  Geonim, that the  psak  is in   absence, the mitzvah of sefira cannot be   exists a  theoretical  obligation to do so.
       accordance with the opinion of Abaye   mideOraita. This is Tosafot’s position.   The chiyuv hakrava is in place today, just
       and Rav Ashi,  to count both days and   The  Rambam,  however,  disagrees,  as it was when the Beit HaMikdash stood,
       weeks, and that according to them,   and maintains that the day  of the 16th   and Sefirat HaOmer therefore remains a
       Sefirat HaOmer is deOraita even today.   of Nissan is the  mechayev  of Sefirat   mitzvah deOraita. Tosafot, in contrast,
        One  way to  explain  the  machloket   HaOmer. According to this  approach,   maintains  that  the  Beit  HaMikdash  site
       between the Rambam and Tosafot       sefira  remains a  mitzvah deOraita   did not retain its kedusha. As such, there
       relates to whether women are obligated   even today, while women are exempt   is not even a  chiyuv hakrava  nowadays,
       in  Sefirat HaOmer. Despite the fact   from  sefira  because it is  a  mitzvat asei   and  Sefirat HaOmer  is therefore only
       that sefira would seem to be an obvious   shehazman grama  (Hilchot Temidin   mideRabanan.
       example  of  a  mitzvat  asei  shehazman   UMussafin 7:24).
       grama  (timebound positive  mitzvah),   Thus, these two issues – whether   Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh Yeshiva
       being that it begins on a particular   sefira is deOraita nowadays and whether   and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
       calendar date and involves the counting   women are obligated in  sefira  – are   Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University.
       of days, the Ramban (Kiddushin  34a,   interrelated, and they depend on the
       s.v.  vehevei) includes this  mitzvah  in a   identification of the  mechayev  of  Sefirat
       list of mitzvot that women are obligated   HaOmer.                             A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       in. Although some assumed this to be a   Rav Chaim Brisker did not favor the
       misprint (see Nefesh HaRav, 1994 ed., p.   above explanation of Tosafot, and offered

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