Page 24 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 24
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
Discovering why You are Here
eople who know Naomi keep and reveal who you are. You have a title, Why don’t we recognize Ruth?
asking about Ruth: “Who is you are crowned. Because the more you study Torah, the
this?” Ruth is always being Rabbi Yosef HaTzaddik said: “If not more you reveal about yourself. More
asked about her identity. Boaz for the holiday of Shavuot, ףסוי המכ, and more and more. Ruth the Moabite
Pwatches her picking barley in how many Yosef would be roaming gentile at the beginning of the Megillah
his field, and asks his attendant, who in the marketplace” (Pesachim 68b). is not the Jewish Ruth at the end of the
is in charge of the reapers, “To whom How many “Yosef” – why not “Yosefs”? Megillah. Each time we see her in a new
is this girl?” But you know the answer, Because these are the parts of the same and different context and ask: “Is this
Boaz! After all, when Ruth and Naomi Yosef. He has dispersed in a million her? Which girl is this? What did the
returned to Beit Lechem, poor and directions and does not know who he is: Torah do to her – could it be that, this
bereaved, the whole town was shocked “Maybe I’m Yosef the talmid chacham. one? Another one?”
to see them. So why are you asking who Maybe I’m Yosef the computer guy. The Russian doll, the babushka, hides
this girl is? Maybe I’m Yosef the coach. Maybe I’m another doll and another and another.
And it happens once more, when at Yosef the student. Who am I?” Rabbi Nachman says that outwardly
night she sneaks into the threshing floor you become a heavy and cumbersome
and lies at his feet, Boaz asks: “Who are babushka. But the Torah removes one
you?” But Boaz, you were already told; babushka and then another and another,
you know the answer! And again, when The Torah removes until you reach the tiny babushkina
Ruth returns to her mother-in-law and deep in your soul. The Torah reveals my
knocks at the door, Naomi asks her: one babushka internal core to me. What have I come to
“Who are you, my daughter?” and then another do in the world? Who am I?
Why, throughout the Megillah, is Ruth When the Jewish people stood
asked, “Tell me, who are you? Who are and another, until at Mount Sinai ןתמהוז הקספ, their
you? Who are you? But who are you?” contamination ceased (Shabbat 146a).
How many times do you look in the you reach the tiny What is המהוז? The Gemara explains: ?וז
mirror and ask yourself: “Who is this babushkina deep המ, – This, what is it? Meaning, who is
girl? To whom do I belong in the world? it? Who is this girl? This confusion, this
What did I come here to do? What is in your soul scattering, is המהוז. You pollute yourself
the role G-d expects me to fulfill?” with unnecessary energies: “Maybe I will
On Shavuot we receive our learn this or maybe that…” Unnecessary
role in the world. This holiday contamination. Get clarity and you will
is called י ִ מ in the Zohar find out who you are. In the giving of the
HaKadosh. We reach the level Torah, everything becomes clear to you.
of “who.” ימ has a gematria With the giving of the Torah, a crown
(numerical value) of 50. is placed upon you; your contamination
We counted 50 days ceases. You reach the 50th level of
and arrived at a place purity and the incredible and
called Mi, “who,” also beautiful woman inside you is
called the Keter Elyon in revealed.
the Zohar. After asking
yourself so many times Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
who you are, to whom you is a popular Israeli teacher,
belong, you are given a role speaker and writer.
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