Page 22 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 22


                                                                                                   Mrs. Shira Smiles

       Setting the Stage

      T        he Sefat Emet tells us that                                        people.” Rav Nebenzhal explains that G-d

                                                                                  gives wisdom only to those who have the
               our entire spiritual year is
               dependent on the days of
                                                                                  wherewithal to hold onto it, otherwise it
                                                                                   The way to guard our Torah is through
               our physical sustenance is
                                                                                  working on our middot. That is why the
       determined during this wheat harvesting                                    is a wasted investment.
       period,  so  our  spiritual  sustenance  is                                first omer sacrifice was barley, an animal
       set  during  these  weeks.  If  our  lives  are                            food. It was meant to teach us to subdue
       dependent on this  mitzvah, shouldn’t it                                   our animalistic desires and evil traits.
       involve a lot more than just a minute or                                    Rav Pincus says that in G-d’s lexicon, a
       so of a short liturgy? Obviously more is                                   “day” hints to yichud Hashem – oneness
       hidden beneath the surface.                                                of G-d, similar to the very First Day of
        What is the power of Sefira that gives                                    Creation, when there was no other reality
       us the ability to make ourselves pure and                                  except G-d. The 49 days of  Sefira  are
       whole again? We find that Shavuot is the                                   about reminding ourselves that each day
       only holiday that has a Torah-mandated                                     must  be  completely  dedicated  to  yichud
       period of preparation. There is something   The process of                 Hashem, to feeling G-d’s presence at
       very pivotal embedded in these weeks.                                      every moment in our lives.
       Our counting during Sefira expresses our   purification and                 When we count each day, we must ask
       yearning for  Matan Torah. The actual   preparation was so                 ourselves, “What am I doing to make this
       counting leaves an imprint on our soul                                     day different?” By counting upwards, we
       and opens a pathway of desire to acquire   precious, that if G-d           show that each day is one of building and
       the  Torah in our hearts. The holiday of                                   working towards the goal of becoming a
       the giving of the Torah is called Shavuot –   would not have given         fitting receptacle for Torah.
       weeks, because our efforts determine how   us the Torah, it would           Sefira  is called  תותבש  עבש,  seven
       we will experience the holiday. We will                                    Shabbatot.  Shabbat is the source of
       receive the Torah in a more meaningful   have been enough                  blessing. The Sefat Emet tells us that
       way only with the proper preparation.                                      every  day  of  Sefira  carries  a  vestige  of
         In the Haggadah we read,  ונברק  וליא                                    Shabbat, and G-d gives us injections of
       ונייד יניס רהל, “If You had brought us close                               kedusha to help us come close to Him. If
       to Sinai it would have been enough.” The   Torah and awakening within ourselves a   we are successful in arousing ourselves
       Alshich and the Shelah explain that the   yearning for deveikut baHashem.   out of our apathy, these days become
       process of purification and preparation   Shavuot  is  the  ‘Yom  HaDin’  of  our   a model of holiness for the entire year.
       was so precious, that if G-d would not   ruchniyut. It is a time to take a good   When  we recite the  beracha  of  Sefirat
       have given us the Torah, it would have   hard look at our spiritual state and ask   HaOmer it should inspire us to feel more
       been enough.                         ourselves, “Is this all I’ve achieved? What   sanctity and to strive for greater heights.
        Each year, in our individual and    am I capable of?” It is a time to look at   When we say  hayom yom… we must
       collective lives, we relive the experience of   the disparity of who we are and what we   think about committing ourselves to live
       coming closer to G-d. Torah and mitzvot   can be if only we desire it enough. Not   that day in the best possible way.
       are not just knowledge and good deeds,   only is Sefirat HaOmer a time to work on
       but a catalyst for transformation. It is   respecting our fellow Jews; it is also a time   Mrs. Shira Smiles is a sought-after interna-
       about making us into better people and   to sensitize ourselves to kavod haTorah.   tional lecturer, a popular seminary teacher,
       bringing us nearer to His presence. The   During the building of the Mishkan,   and an experienced curriculum developer.
       preparation of Sefira is bringing ourselves   G-d said,  המכח  יתתנ  םכח  לכ  בלבו, “I have
       to a level of appreciating the greatness of   given wisdom in the hearts of all the wise   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau

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