Page 59 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 59

her seaport choked, but he was unmis-  steaming in that direction), and the fact   even with this gifted asset, Israel could
        takably clear that if Israel fired the first   that the Arabs and the world did not know   still not fight off the world alone. Enter the
        shot, it would forfeit France’s friendship   the full extent of the Arab defeat (because   white knight of rescue (his head adorned
        and assistance  for good. Britain’s Harold   Cairo Radio issued announcements about   with  an  abundance  of  cotton locks like
        Wilson was not nearly as strident, but he   Egyptian victories and even informed   a tobacco shag about to be rolled), the
        also had no solution to contain Nasser’s   Jordan that 75% of Israel’s air force had   United States’ long-forgotten ambassador
        war  aspirations. President Johnson  in   been eliminated), the IDF fought on. Israel   to the UN, Arthur Goldberg.
        America proposed the formation of an   was so desperate to avoid the imposition   In what would appear as a fluke of
        “international flotilla” of warships to sail   of  a ceasefire that  Jerusalem  issued no   history, Goldberg resigned from his
        through the Straits of Tiran in the hope   battle communiques of the truth.   position as a justice on the Supreme
        it would terminate Nasser’s blockade.                                    Court to accept Johnson’s nomination
        But such a flotilla would take time to     owever, when Moscow finally   to be his country’s UN ambassador (LBJ
        assemble, and in the interim Israel was    learned the extent of the Egyp-  believed Goldberg was the most compe-
        expected to… wait.                         tian losses, Soviet Premier Alexei   tent member of Kennedy’s cabinet). How
          Meanwhile in Israel, the pressure for    Kosygin sent a strongly-worded   Israel would profit from this nomination,
        immediate defense in the form of offense   message to Washington that it   and the unmistakable Divine intervention
        was rising to a fury.                      could no longer remain indiffer-  in this most unusual of career shifts, was
          Israel’s waiting gave the Arabs the sense Hent to “Israel’s criminal aggres-  not discernable when it occurred in 1965.
        that the Jews were scared to fight. In Nass-  sion” and that if Israeli troops did not   But in 1967, when Israel’s future was
        er’s pep speeches about the destruction   withdraw, the Soviet armed forces would   so precarious, and the risk of being
        of Israel, he appeared to be drunk with an   use appropriate means to end the “Zionist   coerced to  accept  a  ceasefire  so immi-
        imagined victory as he united the Arab   adventure.”                     nent – which would have cost Israel
        world in a paroxysm of triumph and hate.   From this point on, the most important   its victory precisely as had happened
          Nasser sounded Hitler-esque and the   battlefront for Israel was in the United   11  years  earlier in  the  Sinai  Campaign
        responsive roars and cries of the Cairo   Nations. Israel dispatched its heaviest   – there was no one who proved to be
        mobs were too reminiscent of the Nurem-  hitter, Foreign Minister Abba Eban. He   a  better  and  more  effective  ally  than
        berg rallies. Eshkol’s mumblings and inept   arrived with no time to spare. A ceasefire   Arthur Goldberg.
        fumbling evoked memories of the help-  resolution had already been drawn up that   Goldberg knew how to handle the wily
        lessness of European Jewry against the   would have paralyzed Israel from achiev-  Russian ambassador Nikolai Fedorenko,
        Nazi menace. The contrast of ultra-char-  ing its military goals and robbing what had   who, despite his constant anti-American
        ismatic Nasser and ultra-phlegmatic   already been obtained. Eban, having shut-  harangues, was fond of his American
        Eshkol were making Israelis cringe.   tled non-stop across Europe, rose to the   counterpart  and  admired his creativity.
          The period of  Hamtana finally came   UN podium and delivered a tour de force.   He referred to Goldberg as “A slick Jew
        to an end when America ever-so-sub-   With drama perfected through his Oxo-  who could fool the devil himself.” Gold-
        tly hinted that they felt it was not their   nian presentation, Eban delivered a pano-  berg saw to it that the situation did not
        position  to  restrain  others.  Israel  had   ply of metaphors that dazzled the assem-  deteriorate into a situation that the Rus-
        the green light and it acted immediately,   bled. Referring to the blockade he said,   sians would actually enter the fray, and
        effectively, and decidedly. In the air and   “Israel is breathing with a single lung,”   skillfully delayed matters at the UN to
        very swiftly afterward on the land, Israel   and labeled the UNEF, “an umbrella taken   allow Israel the time it needed to achieve
        defeated the Egyptian threat and then   away as soon as it begins to rain.”   its full victory.
        focused upon destroying the  Jordanian   “Look around this table and imagine,”
        and Syrian air forces.              Eban reprimanded, “a foreign power forci-  Rabbi Hanoch Teller’s new podcast “Teller
          The clock was ticking.            bly closing New York or Montreal, Boston   from Jerusalem” chronicles the stories of the
          Israel had not yet liberated Jerusalem   or Marseilles, Toulon or Copenhagen, Rio   early struggles of the modern State of Israel.
        nor cleared the Golan Heights and the   or Tokyo or Bombay Harbor. How would   Available wherever you listen to podcasts,
                                                                                 or scan:
        UN was pressuring for the adoption of a   your  government react? What would
        ceasefire. Nothing could have been less in   you do? How long would  you wait?” He
        Israel’s interest.                  stressed that Israel’s only aspiration was
          America was willing to let Israel win the   self-defense and peace and concluded,
        war, but it was not interested in a clash   “Let us discern across the darkness the
        with the USSR, which demanded imme-  vision of a brighter and gentler dawn.”  Rabbi Hanoch Teller, internationally-
        diate condemnation of Israel and with-  Abba Eban was brilliant and hailed   acclaimed storyteller extraordinaire, is an
        drawal to the previous lines.       worldwide as a genius of oratory. The Chi-  award-winning author and producer.
          Gambling on the fact that Russian   cago Tribune summarized, “One of the
        forces were not yet in the region (albeit   great diplomatic speeches of all time.” But   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau

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