Page 56 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 56


                                                                                     Shayna Goldberg

       Parenting with Trust

                 s parents, we think carefully   If Shabbat is a core value in our   involved when a four-year-old colors on
                 about how to convey our    lives, we should focus on making it   Shabbat or turns on a musical toy.
                 Torah values to our children.   the highlight of the week for even   Unfortunately though, fear, often
                 We aspire for them to iden-  our youngest children. It should be   subconscious, can lead us to unjustifiably
      Atify with what is important to       permeated with  entrancing sounds and   rebuke or even punish a child in these
       us, and we wonder how to most effectively   smells,  tastes  and  images,  rather  than   circumstances,  as  we  worry  that  this
       transmit our beliefs, practices and heritage.   with parental angst or harsh scolding   child does not, and therefore will not,
        It can be normal to worry about     in response to children who reach     care about Shabbat.
       whether we are being successful and   for electric toys or giggle between    The concern is real, but this kind of
       whether  our  children  are    internalizing   handwashing and eating challah.   reflexive response can be damaging in
       our messages. The goal, however, should                                    the long run. We can always teach our
       be to instill “fear of G-d” in our children                                children more about the expectations of
       in ways that are healthy and palatable.                                    observance, but it is infinitely harder to
        Describing the educational philosophy     If we genuinely                 undo negative feelings and associations.
       of his great-grandfather, Rabbi Shimshon                                   Rebuke and scolding may cause a child
       Raphael Hirsch, Dr. Mordechai Breuer        believe in the                 to quickly drop the crayon she was
       once wrote: “In education, let ourselves   ancient power of                coloring with, but what feelings will be
       be guided by trust and truth, not by fear.”                                internalized at the same time?
        What can educating with trust look        Judaism itself,                   Moreover, fear is palpable and easily
       like in practice?                                                          detected by even the youngest of
        I believe that the first part is identifying   we should trust            children. If  our youth sense  fear,  they
       the core values that are so important and   that these values              might learn that even the adults in
       meaningful to us in life, that we want                                     their lives don’t authentically believe in
       ourselves and our children to carry forward   will penetrate               the inherent attractiveness of the very
       always,  no matter  where we are and                                       tradition they are working to transmit.
       whatever life throws our way. Examples         over time                     If, however, we trust the potency and
       of core values can include our connection                                  vitality of our own values – that is, if we
       to  tefilla or to Talmud  Torah, Shabbat,                                  genuinely  believe  in  the  ancient  power
       chesed or the Land of Israel in our lives, the                             of Judaism itself – we should trust that
       importance of being a mature and dignified   This takes trust in the power of   these values will penetrate over time. We
       person or the kind of relationships we have   Shabbat, as  well  as  the courage  to   will ultimately parent our children better,
       with family or friends.              avoid fear tactics and to overcome our   as we use situations as opportunities for
        If parents can trust that their children   own lurking fears for our children.   education rather  than  for punishment.
       understand these values, then they   For example, while much of Shabbat    It is entirely possible to inculcate a
       do not need to live in fear that every   observance involves abstaining from   strong belief system based on a positive
       misdeed on the part of a child might   many of our typical weekday practices,   perspective of trust, and we should have
       mean  they  have  failed  to  educate   we need to trust that our children will   confidence in ourselves to do so.
       properly. And when we have faith in   absorb this concept over time and that
       the power of our values and in the way   what is genuinely important to us will   Shayna Goldberg is the author of the
       we convey them to our children, we can   become important to them as well. Even   forthcoming  book  What Do  You  Really
       better trust our intuitions about when to   though we can introduce the concepts   Want?  Trust  and  Fear  at  Life’s  Crossroads
       discipline and when to ignore, when to   of muktzeh and melacha at a young age   and in Everyday Living (Maggid, 2021) and a
       punish and when to let something go.   and discuss them in our homes, I would   mashgicha  ruchanit  in  the  SKA  Beit  Midrash
        Let’s take the example of Shabbat.  suggest we do not need to agonize or get   for Women of Yeshivat Har Etzion (Migdal Oz).

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