Page 53 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 53


                                                Jerusalem Chai – Jerusalem Lives

                                               40 Years of Accomplishments

                                               1000 Jewish residents (85 families and 4 Yeshivot with their students) in the old Jewish (Kotel)
      Israel, Ateret Cohanim redeems the
      land in and around the walled Old City.   Maaleh HaZeitim (over 100 families) on the Mount of Olives.
      Private investors purchase previously
      owned  Jewish buildings  or  buy long    Kidmat Zion -11 families and planning stages for 300 apartments.
      term  tenancy rights.  With  every  legal   Old Mufti’s home and Shefer Hotel project near Mt Scopus (Haj Amin El Husseini) in Jewish
      purchase Ateret Cohanim establishes      hands and to be developed into a small neighborhood of 28-56 units.
      educational centers, helps to renovate
      old buildings, installs and maintains    Hotels at Jaffa gate -currently in courts but acquired by Jewish concerns. Imperial and Petra
      security systems and initiates Jewish    Hotels - with Petra once being the first kosher hotel (1890s till 1927, built by Amzalaqs in 1840s)
      and Jerusalem educational projects in    in the Old City with fine exquisite European furnishings under Amdursky management.
      an  effort  to  revitalize this  important
      area and have a greater Jewish presence   Neot David – 11 Families and the Yeshivat Bein Chomot Yerushalayim – Yasser Arafat once
                                               wanted this building for his capital.
      in and around the Old City.  Ateret
      Cohanim is bringing back Jewish life
                                               Yemenite Village (Shiloach-Silwan) now home to 23 families 140 + children in 6 buildings. The
      to the heart of Jerusalem.               Jewish presence improves security. Recently Ateret Cohanim helped to redeem 2 additional
        This  redemption  and  rebuilding  of
      Jerusalem, however, should not – and     large properties nearly doubling the Jewish presence to 35 families.
                                               There is also a Kollel of 25 students.
      cannot  – be the sole responsibility of
      Ateret Cohanim. There is much more       Unique tours of the Old Jewish (Kotel) Quarter have attracted thousands of people.
      to do other than proclaiming “Next Year
      in Jerusalem.” We believe that the Jewish   Five new families in Beit HaNof (Muslim Qtr) increased security for our families in nearby
      world   (communities,  organizations,    buildings. Exceptional scenic views of the Temple Mount from Beit HaNof and Beit Hatzalam
      Rabbis, leaders, Jewish individuals)     enthrall our visitors. In addition, from the vantage point of the Yemenite Village, one sees the
      should stand behind this vital project   view that Avraham saw as he approached the Har Habaiyit from the south. The view from Kidmat
      of  securing  and  rebuilding  a  Jewish   Zion is also exceptional.
        Jerusalem belongs to every single      Pina Chama (rest stop) for soldiers, police and security personnel as well as tourists on
      Jew,  wherever  he  or  she  may  live.  We,   Rechov HaGai (the road that runs from the Damascus Gate to the Kotel). This Pina Chama was
                                               established in memory of Rabbi Nechemia Lavi HY”D who was murdered by an Arab terrorist at
      therefore, call upon each and every one   that exact spot trying to save others who were being attacked on their way to the Kotel.
      of you to pray for the safety and unity of
      Jerusalem and to support the rebuilding   Shaar HaPrachim Nursery, Playground and the Flowers Gate CommunitY – 8-10 families live
      of Jewish life within a “Holy and Eternal   in this area which has the only outdoor playground for children.
      United Jerusalem.”
        May  Am Yisrael be showered with       Beit Wittenberg and Wittenberg Children’s Activities Center – Once called the Mediterranean
      Blessings from the Almighty.             Hotel, this is the building where Prime Minister Sharon z”l maintained an apartment.  It is also
                                               the building where the noted American poet, storyteller and journalist Mark Twain stayed when
        Please be our partners in the
                                               he visited Jerusalem in the 1800s. The activities center and rooftop playground is home to
      historic rebuilding of Jerusalem www.
                                               recreational activities for the hundreds of children living in the adjacent surroundings. You can
      also mail a contribution to American
      Friends of Ateret Cohanim, PO Box        Shoshana (Shani) Hikind is the Executive Vice President of the American Friends of
      390, Woodmere, NY 11598.                 Ateret Cohanim.

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