Page 50 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
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                                                                                             David Curwin

      The Names of Shavuot

       The holiday of Shavuot has many      the successful wheat harvest. The name   as plurals for  bechor, some scholars say
       names. Let’s review four of them:    derives from the root רצק – “to cut short.”   that bechorim applies to people, whereas
                                            The related word  katzar means “short.”   bechorot applies to animals.
           Chag HaShavuot                   There are other roots that begin with   Some scholars connect the root  רכב
      1| Chag HaShavuot is the most         the two letters צק that also mean “to cut.”   to other roots that express similar ideas.
       frequent  name  in  Tanach  (for  example   The linguist Edward Horowitz gives these   For example, Klein connects it to  רגב,
       in Shemot 34:22 and Devarim 16:10).   examples:                           meaning  “to  grow  up,  mature,”  which
       Shavua  means “week,” so this name     ץצק - cut; from it we have ץק, end.  gives us the word רגובמ – “adult.” Several
       means “Festival of Weeks.” The word    הצק - cut; from it we have ןיצק, captain,   others also connect רכב to רקב, by saying
       shavua derives from  sheva, the number   judge. The word cut is figuratively used   that both mean “to break forth, be early.”
       seven, because there are seven days in a   for deciding.                  This is the root of boker – “morning,” the
       week. Since the holiday of Shavuot is at   הצקה - scrape off;  הצקמ  (muktzeh) –   time the daylight breaks through.
       the end of a seven-week cycle, the name   set apart –  forbidden for handling on
       also alludes to the 7 x 7 nature of the   Shabbat.                             Zman Matan Torateinu
       festival.                              בצק - butcher; ביצקת is a budget   4|Until now, we’ve looked at names
        The root עבש also means “to swear, to   עצק - cut into; עוצקמ –  a profession – is   that appear in Tanach. In the Talmud,
       take an oath.” In the story about the origin   what one is cut out for    Shavuot is referred to as  Atzeret. (I
       of the name Beer Sheva, both “seven” and   Based on this, some scholars believe   discussed the background to that word in
       “oaths” appear:                      that there was a two-letter root system in   HaMizrachi, Volume 2, Issue 5, October
        “Avimelech  said  to  Avraham,  ‘What   Hebrew before the three-letter one in use   2019). A name that doesn’t appear in
       mean these seven ewes which you have   today.                             Talmudic literature, but is used in our
       set apart?’ He replied, ‘You are to accept                                prayers, is Zman Matan Torateinu – “the
       these seven ewes from me as proof that I   Yom HaBikkurim                 time our Torah was given.”
       dug this well.’ Hence that place was called  3| In  Bamidbar  28:26,  the  holiday   A question is often asked – why do
       Beer-sheba, for there the two of them   is referred to as  Yom HaBikkurim –   we call it the day the Torah was given,
       swore an oath” (Bereishit 21:29-31).  “the  day  of  the  first  fruits.”  This  name   and not the day the Torah was received
        As a result, some have connected the   commemorates  the  bikkurim  offering,   –  Yom Kabbalat HaTorah? The most
       two roots. Rabbi David Tzvi Hoffman   also called  םחלה  יתש (the two breads).   popular answer is that the Torah was
       (Bereishit 21:30) writes that seven is   It was the offering brought from the   given only once, but we “receive” it
       considered  a  Divine  number,  because  of   first wheat of that season. The Torah   every day. However, looking at Talmudic
       the  seven  days  of  Creation.  As  a  result,   commands, “You shall observe the   literature, we see that the phrase Matan
       people would hold seven items when   Feast of Weeks, of  the first  fruits of the   Torah  is  quite  common  –  appearing
       taking an oath. The linguist Ernest Klein   wheat harvest” (Shemot 34:22). While   dozens of  times. On the  other  hand,
       writes that עבש as “oath” came from the   in popular imagery, offerings were made   Kabbalat HaTorah only appears in a few
       sense of “binding oneself by seven things,   of all the fruits of the Land of Israel, on   midrashim. So it seems likely to me that
       or by seven oaths.”                  Shavuot only wheat was brought, because   when the prayers were standardized, they
                                            the other fruits ripen later. Those other   chose the more common phrase.
            Chag HaKatzir                   fruits were brought until, and on, Sukkot.
      2| The  name  Chag HaKatzir,  the       Bikkurim derives from the root  רכב –
       “Harvest (or Reaping) Festival,” appears   “to bring forth.” From that root, we get   David Curwin is a writer living in Efrat,
       in Shemot 23:16. This name indicates   the word  bechor  – “first born.” While   and the author of the Balashon blog.
       that the day is meant to thank G-d for   both  bechorim and  bechorot are found •

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