Page 55 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 55

ONE                                                                              GENERAL INTEREST

           ONE                                                                  our Eshkolot Tanach Educators Institute.

                                                                                These are just a few examples of our many
                                                                                significant and groundbreaking programs
       with                                                                     – both Beit Midrash based and broader
                                                                                community learning. Matan graduates are
       Rabbanit                                                                 change agents who have the depth and
                                                                                breadth of knowledge and the tools to be
                                                                                outstanding scholars, educators, community
       Malke Bina                                                               leaders and Meshivot Halacha. I’m
                                                                                overwhelmed with pride in all that they are
                                                                                doing not only for women but for Am Yisrael.
       Childhood                                                                Women’s Torah learning
       I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, the oldest                             versus men’s Torah
       of four children, raised by my parents and   that G-d promised to Avraham for his   learning
       my Bubby who were all Holocaust survivors.   progeny. Those of us who are privileged   Women and men’s Torah learning is 95%
       We had a busy home, filled with books   to be here are living history and helping to   the same. I would say, however, that
       and suffused with learning. It was through   write new chapters in Jewish history.  women bring a certain extra intuitive and
       learning Tanach that I realized I wanted to                              psychological quality to their learning
       come to Israel and build my life here.  Women’s Torah learning           and tend to focus more on communal
                                            over the last 25 years              social and welfare issues. Although there
       What does your Shabbat               It is breathtaking to have watched the   are differences of perspective between
       look like?                           strides in women’s Torah learning over   women and men, we are learning the
       When my five children were younger,   the last 25 years and to have been part   same Tanach, Gemara and Halacha. We
       our home was the happening place on   of making it happen. We founded Matan   are equally charged with studying in depth
       Shabbat – a table surrounded by guests,   in 1988; it has been my life’s work, like   and breadth and acquiring the necessary
       conversation, divrei Torah, zemirot and   watching a baby mature into adulthood.   skills to comprehensively understand the
       delicious food. The family and guests   What began as a small group of women   words of our Torah and even to bring new
       loved the mixture of Israeli and heimishe   learning with me around a dining room   interpretations to our ancient texts.
       cuisine – hummus and gefilte fish! For the   table has blossomed into an unparalleled
       last 10-15 years we’ve had vatikin davening   institution for advanced Torah learning   Yerushalayim
       for the early risers so it’s not just a home   for women, with centers in Yerushalayim   I’ve lived not only in Yerushalayim but
       on Shabbat but also a shul, and (Corona   and Raanana and branches throughout   in the Jewish Quarter for most of my
       permitting) we welcome Shabbat daveners   the country. Our classes reach literally   over 50 years here in Israel. I arrived
       and guests – of all ages, from Israel and   thousands of students in Israel and all   shortly after the Six-Day War and was
       friends from around the world.       around the world.                   swept up in the euphoria of that modern-
                                                                                day miracle for the Jewish people.
       Religious Zionism                    Women’s Torah learning              I’ve witnessed and been part of the
       Religious Zionism is a given for me – it’s   and the future              renaissance of Yerushalayim and the
       like two sides of a coin joined together and   Matan has been a pioneer on so many   renewal of Jewish life in the Old City,
       inseparable. Torah and Eretz Yisrael are   fronts. Many of our distinguished women   which has been incredible. Every day I
       absolutely inter-connected. Being a Religious   faculty members are graduates of our   feel intense gratitude to be living here in
       Zionist means fulfilling your commitment to   Beit Midrash programs including the   this beautiful city, the center of the Jewish
       Torah and to Israel and trying and hopefully   Advanced Talmudic Institute, Hilkhata,   world, surrounded by my children and
                      1 2 3 4 5
       succeeding in coming to Israel, the homeland   Matan’s Advanced Halachic Institute and   grandchildren.

       FIVE        I didn’t begin       My favorite         I like reading P.G.   One of my         Although I tend
       FACTS       studying Gemara      breakfast is        Wodehouse – his     “sidelines”         towards the logical

       you didn’t   until I was 25.     cheesecake! I don’t   books and stories   is making         and rational (at one
         know                           often indulge but I   are filled with   shidduchim – I’ve   time I wanted to be a
         about                          love the occasions   humor – it’s always   made over 10 so   math teacher!), I’m also
        Rabbanit                        when I do.          good to laugh.      far and counting!   a romantic and I love
       Malke Bina                                                                                   stories that are happily
                                                                                                    ever after.
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